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Any 'Gamers' out there?

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vapers Lounge' started by Rick O-Shea, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea Thread Starter iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Just wondering if anyone plays PC / console games?

    Don't really play any games much nowadays, a bit of Quake 3 very occasionally but my 'm4d 5ki11z' have long since left me.

    Last game I played was GTA V (PC) and get roped into playing Minecraft on LAN occasionally with my daughter.

    Anything worth playing at the moment?
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  2. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I am a console gamer since the Master System. Never played on a PC expect for some LAN Counter Strike matches for lunch break in Highschool (and missed the afternoon class obviously).

    I only have a PS4 now, but I am getting less excited than before regarding new games. I get bored easily expect for few such as GTA (oh god the hours wasted on this series..), MGS, Battlefield or Uncharted.

    Doing Batman AN now, it's bloody shitty. Not sure if the Witcher 3 is already out on PC but all my friends who owns it on PS4 are saying it is amazing.

    I just want to find a Nintendo 64, 4 controllers and Mario Kart. BUt that is more complicated than I expected it.
    Loki, Mo6495, shoo-D and 1 other person like this.
  3. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea Thread Starter iStick Fanboy

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    I preferred the original Mario Kart on the SNES. Battle mode was great but I found it disappointing on the N64. We mainly played time trials on the N64.

    Goldeneye 007 was a classic. Used to do 4-player every Monday night for about 18 months. I got into PC games and playing online around that time and although I still bought various consoles they never got much use.

    I have a PS3 and a Wii but only because you download games for free.
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  4. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I liked the N64 version mainly because of the N64 controller, the stick made it easier for powerslide. 4-players matches were insane on that game. Then there was Goldeneye 64 of course, two games that made buying the 64 worth it.

    Here's a good one :

    I had 2 Wii and never played with neither of them (don't ask me why I bought 2...). Only game I kind enjoyed was a french game name "Les Lapins Cretins", about stupid rabbits you need to destroy.

    Out of every console I had, I think the Megadrive (Or Genesis in the US) and the Saturn were the most iconic ones.

    As for PC, I spent a lot of time on the first SimCity and World of Warcraft 2, but that was way before the online game era.
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  5. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    Started gaming with the Commodore 64 (games on cassette tape) then it was Sega genesis and the nhl series hockey also PC and various games like Id software's castle Wolfenstein, doom, doom 3 etc. After all that and countless others I've gotten into Colin McRae dirt series on Xbox 360, and continue to be nuts for team fortress 2 on PC. I'd like to think I'm a pretty good player of that. Usually play on Singapore based servers and am sometimes the top scorer. Bragging some, sorry!

    Check that. Started with pong in Atari system then different Atari games and vic20 system.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  6. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea Thread Starter iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    There used to a Thai server for RTCW Enemy Territory that was often busy in the evenings (2007) and I used to play Quake 3 with one of the forum moderators p2p and often on a Singapore hosted server with some of their guys. I was very rusty (hadn't played seriously for about 5 years) and he was very skilful in comparison but he was thick as shit which evened things out considerably. He attended a couple of CPL tournaments and got his arse handed to him.

    Never played an awful lot of team fortress (I was heavily into Q3 at the time) but it was always a good crack.
    Most FPS do nothing for me nowadays although I did enjoy last year's Wolfenstein and very occasionally jump on the Q3live servers in Singapore. Trouble is most people have been playing the game for 15 years so it's no place for newbies or players with severe ring rust.

    Not many people around my way had a Commodore 64 so it paid to get a ZX Spectrum so you'd have a lot more games to share and copy. Knew a few people with Vic 20's and BBC B's but the Spectrum was by far the most popular home computer in the 80's in the UK.
    Some of the games used to be ridiculously hard lol
  7. shoo-D
    No Mood

    shoo-D Well-Known Member

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    I enjoy gaming too and have a couple of recommendations which I will make as soon as I finish work and get home.
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  8. lordofthedread

    lordofthedread Professional Lurker

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    Depends what games you are into, The Witcher 3 is definitly a must play if you are in that kind of games.
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  9. skeeters

    skeeters E juice monster

    Jun 10, 2014
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    ps3. call of duty all the way for me.. online of course,, chuck in a bit of grid 1&2 and some collin mcrae dirt,, serious stuff right there, and the best bit about it all now, is there's no smelly fag's or joint's clogging up the ashtray,,, talking of ashtray's who remember's them,, we all spent hours around them,,,???
    Loki, Tibo and shoo-D like this.
  10. Xilver

    Xilver Well-Known Member

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    Chiang Mai
    Gaming... I used to play Diablo 2 many years ago and then Diablo 3 on pc. Went on to using bots and making some money as well when they had RMAH (Real Money Auction House). With that, I ran about 10 bots on 3 pcs and make quite good money selling stuff and gold I botted. LOLOL... It was good while it lasted till they banned all my accounts.

    On Diablo 2, I used to play almost non stop doing Baal runs till lvl 99 and was once 2nd in Asia Realm in a ladder run as well. Those were the good old days on grinding, non stop playing and looking almost like a zombie.

    Now, I just stick to playing Mortal Combat X on my tablet which I managed to d/load when I went to Japan about a few weeks ago. I was not able to download it here in Thailand. The game give pretty nice graphics with nice X-Ray final execution. Spent some money there as well to get some gold cards. : )
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  11. shoo-D
    No Mood

    shoo-D Well-Known Member

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    I remember starting with Turtles in Time and International Super Star Soccer on SNES at my friends house...
    These and good old games like the Monkey-Island-Series, GTA1&2 or Command&Conquer 2 Red Alert are still a few of my favorite games of all times. Also love strategy games like Anno or Tropico.
    Not that much into FPS anymore (not since Half-Life, Left4Dead or more recently Borderlands2), so can not recommend much new there. Closest to that would be Fallout 3 and New Vegas as shooters with strong RPG elements, but those are quite a few years out too. Or if you are into RPGs in general the Witcher Series or of course Skyrim are to recommend.
    Since you played Minecraft and did not hate it (I assume) you could also give Don't Starve (or for co-op Don't Starve Together) a go.
    Other Indie games I enjoyed lately are Papers, please (shitty graphics but hey you can enjoy the petty awesomeness of being an immigration officer in some fictional Soviet country) or Reus.
    What I personally can not wait to try out is No Man's Sky.
  12. colind88

    colind88 Well-Known Member

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    PC gamer since 91 -Alone in the Dark and Gunship 2000. Now I play Battlefield 4 and just been playing League of Legends with my nephews and god children - Makes me feel young :)
  13. Moog
    No Mood

    Moog Well-Known Member

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    I really enjoyed playing "South Park - Stick Of Truth" last year!
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  14. lordofthedread

    lordofthedread Professional Lurker

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    If you enjoyed Diablo 2 and 3 you should give Path of Exile a try, as hardcore as Diablo 2 if not more.

    And cherry on the cake it is totally free to play and they just released a pretty big expansion (also for free)

    Here's the link : Path of Exile

    It is also available on Steam.
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  15. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

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    After gfraduating from University a few years ago, I decided I needed something to fill my time with and bought a PS3.
    It took over my life with MW3. I used to play all day every day and got to stage 80, 20 times. I think I must have put in over 9,000 hours of was worse than heroine.

    After playing that for two years I moved on Black Ops two, but I haven't enjoyed that as much......

    I need a new gaming experience, especially where I can get to kill a lot of americans :)

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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