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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Augvape Intake RTA

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by SooKee, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Jan 13, 2024
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    Really don't use tanks much at all these days but I find it useful to keep one in rotation for when I'm going somewhere where dripping would be a bit of a PITA and / or when I fancy a juice that maybe I don't vape much but that I keep around for a change of the juices I normally keep in the squonk bottles (normally rotating to a different flavour every 1-3 bottles).

    Very impressed. Came very clean but washed it anyway, dismantling it was a breeze too compared to the Ammit which can be a nuisance. Real piece of cake to build, stuck in one of my favoured coil builds (frame stapled alien NiCr 80 2*28 + 4*0.1 /0.3 flat wrapped 36), 4 wraps for 0.26 ohm, wicked it in seconds (went for a thinned out bayonet tail with little more than a few strands dropped through the juice well slots, the remainder resting on top) though I've now switched to 'dam' wicking with the tails blocking but not in the ports, very good flavour with both fruit, menthol and dessert juices. Will be trying a range of flavours over the coming days to see what role I'll keep it in but will definitely keep it around.

    I do definitely prefer it over what up until now has been my preferred RTA, the Ammit 25. The airflow is a tad tighter than I prefer but nothing off-putting. I find the flavour I get better than the Ammit, it's definitely quieter and the no leak design of it is a definite plus. I rarely had leaking problems with the Ammit unless I forgot to close the JFC (I dislike JFC) when filling but often ran to check a mod when I forgot to take the Ammit off overnight, problem eradicated. The top fill cap is a well designed and implementd feature too. Looks better as well IMO, opted for the gunmetal with the (now vs blue) matching cap). Able to sustain chain vaping well too, albeit not something I do much. The Ammit is now in the spares drawer alongside the Serpent SMM. I'd rate them Intake, Ammit, Serpent in terms of flavour.

    Definitely one of my better (albeit few now) purchases this year, alongside the Paranormal 250C and Recurve RDAs. Just waiting for the new Lost Vape Drone 250C squonk then I should be done.
  2. Ben2vape

    Ben2vape Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Sounds good - I've a Vapefly Galaxies, pretty tight draw, and love how quiet it is. Just acquired a roll of fused clapton ss316L and it's a big step up from straight wire... but I'm not keen to drop TempControl with Ni80.
  3. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Jan 13, 2024
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    Yeah it's ok, the only tank I use these days. Mostly I just stick to RDAs now though, even easier for me to build and, once I've had enough, just sling the cotton and wash the RDA until next time. Just ordered another Wasp Nano on that front that I'm starting to prefer over the Recurve. Likely it's just the need for an occasional change rather than it being better, slightly more airflow than the Recurve. I like the transparent caps too but I think you can get transparent Recurve caps now, not checked TBH. My buying new stuff has been at a standstill for several months now.

    NiCr80 I prefer only because it's mid way between KA1 and SS with regard to resistance. I find I can use a thicker and more manageable gauge to keep the resistance up than I can with SS. You could always use VW Curve if the mod supports it I suppose instead of TC. I dabbled with VW a lot before but rarely bother these days. For all the tinkering I found I didn't get that much of a noticeable difference between W and VWC modes for it to be worth the effort. I maybe didn't dabble enough. I just grab an RDA, drip some juice and pack up when I've had enough of it. Think about very little these days.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  4. Ben2vape

    Ben2vape Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2018
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    As I have the Oumier mod in matt black, I'll be adding a black Wasp Nano RDTA to it soon, nice short tank and lovely pricing and a step up from my current second flavour (Eleaf GS-Drive) which I use for a refresher so I can go back and enjoy my Raspberry Pie even more.

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