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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by SooKee, May 18, 2018.

  1. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Just bought one of these having looked at dozens of reviews of this and other RDAs / RDTAs. Fancied trying and RDA / RDTA mainly for the flavour and the convenience of switching out juices fast. Was going to go for a Peerless RDA but decided on an RDTA to make it a bit more convenient when using outside or by the pool (that said the Ammit 25 RTA is pretty unbeatable for me for convenience and flavour).

    Have to say the tank is superb IMO. Great build quality (even comes with a hard case, atty stand and two drip tips). It's surprisingly easy to build on albeit the first time I tried using dual Alien coils that I think are just a bit too big for it since I was constanly getting shorts on it. I think it was fraying the ends of the coils and causing problems. I'm guessing slightly narrower twin wire Claptons will probably be better, or even single strand micro coils (I need to perfect my coil building to get the wraps the same and get the length right, plus try with spaced and non-spaced). I might also have to try some different wires maybe SS or Ni80.

    This is a video link to a review of the tank by Mike Vapes, there are others, including one by the designer of the tank, Adrian Lo DeJaVu (a Malaysian who is also a reviewer):

    Got mine from TVS at 1,690, plan to get a couple more when I go to Malaysia where the price is now around 1,200 baht.
    Rick O-Shea likes this.
  2. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I liked the look of this. Very similar to the lush plus dripper I've been using exclusively for the last 18 months (minus the tank).

    Btw, the Authentic Lush Plus can be acquired for under $10 via AliExpress

    Last edited: May 18, 2018
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  3. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Out of interest, fairly new to drippers (still like the Ammit 25 RTA - flavour is almost as good, plus the convenience) but with a standard drip, can / do you drip juice in direct through the mouthpiece or do you have to take the top off every time? Guess the problem might be, if you don't remove the cap, that it'll just ditch juice all over the place and, without being able to see the limited size juice well, you could overfill and have juice leaking out all over the place.

    Overall I'm well impressed with the DJV. Had a few trial and error type errors. Mainly because the claptons are too much resitsance I think. Coming in at 0.12 ohms. So the power needs to be cranked up too much. Tried varying wattages, 40-55 being about the best. Did whack it to 60-70 but that was too much, fried the wicks :( As I said before, I figure a build coming in at 0.25 - 0.45 will be better. Single wire coils or MAYBE dual wire Claptons. If the single wire coils work OK I'll stick to them - KISS eh? Plus the Aliens REALLY wallop the batteries and because they're running so hot, also the juice!!!

    Planned to look some more tomorrow but a bit maxed out on searching ATM. Time to vape
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
  4. Serenity

    Serenity Well-Known Member

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    You can drip through the drip tip on most drippers, you'll learn how much you need after a while:)

    If you like the flavor of a dripper but don't like dripping then take a look at a squonker, the best way to vape imo.
    Pico squeeze is a cheap and very good way to get into squonking, needs a 22mm single coil rda to really shine though. Sxk Haku phenom clone is excellent.
    Rick O-Shea and SooKee like this.
  5. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Cheers. Not so much that I don't like dripping, but def more convenient to not have to keep taking the cap off every few minutes.

    Might give a squonker when / if I next decide to branch out further :)
    Quick update on this. Today I inseretd two single 24ga wire coils, approx 10 wraps. Came in at 0.55ohm, vaping it in the 27.5 - 35.0 watt range. Much better IMO. Just trying to get the right wattage for maximum flavour. Needs to be high enough to produce a good taste but don't want to fry it by going too high. Getting there :)
    Coils I made I've made 3.5mm and spaced. Not sure if spaced coils better or tight? Maybe I'll try 8 wraps next time.
    Rick O-Shea and Serenity like this.
  6. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

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    I always remove the top cap and paint the wicks. The lush plus has a think lip on the base and helps prevent liquid being squeezed into the mod.
    SooKee likes this.
  7. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Three minor criticisms I have with the DJV:

    1) Even using the inner holes on the build deck, they are quite wide, not sure how you'd get on trying to get 6 wrap single wire coil in them. Obviously claptons and the like (that the designer seems to prefer) come out wider by default so less of a problem. Just made up some 8 wrap 24g so will try those tomorrow. Proble is, the GF is suffering from ADD at the moment so probably need to ease of on the trialling ;)

    2) The airflow at the bottom can't be closed down at all so might be a bit airy for some.

    3) No 510 drip tip adaptor.
  8. Serenity

    Serenity Well-Known Member

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    If you use ss316l instead of kanthal you can roughly double your wraps for the same resistance, would help if the posts are far apart and also helps not burning the wicks as easily.

    I've got too lazy to wrap my own coils nowadays so mostly use ready wrapped ss coils from fasttech, either plain micro or twisted wire.
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  9. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

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    Cheers. I'll maybe try that. I'd like to get the resistance down some but that would take 6 wraps of kanthal and that would leave some really long legs on the coil. I've got 8 wrap in at the moment and even they were a bit of a struggle. I'll try some SS. Guess I could then use 10 wraps and come in under 0.2.

    Can you still use SS in VW mode? Seem to recall reading something saying you can't?

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  10. Nakhonsisean

    Nakhonsisean Well-Known Member

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    SS works just fine in VW mode. Use SS on most of my mods in wattage mode.
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  11. Serenity

    Serenity Well-Known Member

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    You can use ss in power mode no problem, that's what I do, that or on a mech. No issues.


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  12. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

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    Cheers. I just did a quick read and there is a SS setting for TC mode but I guess that's only for IF you want to use TC. Not a case of having to.

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  13. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

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    BTW. Checked on AliExpress, couldn't find the Lush for under $24 and it says cannot be shipped to your region?

    Be interested as to how this compares the Peerless RDA SE which looks to have a very deep juice well and looks easy to build. Thing that concerns me with the Lush is no adjustable airflow.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  14. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    When I search on AE the very first link is under $10.
    No adjustable airflow. Eyeballing it I'd say it has a little less that the DJV
    SooKee likes this.
  15. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Hmm. Odd. I'll try I again. I'm just going to AE and inputting the mod name but just get the $20+ options. At $10 I'll likely give it a try. At 20 I'll probably opt for the Peerless which IIRC has a 9mm juice well and airflow control. The bottom airflow on the DJV can't be closed either but the top can.

    One further, and possibly the biggest negative for me with the DJV:

    4) Tank airlocks: when you first fill the tank, especially if you do it before dripping the wicks / coils it fills fine. After that though I seem to get two fairly large sized air bubbles in the tank and attempts to force the juice in with more pressure merely flood the deck. Problem is there is no vent hole so nowhere for the air to go. On the initial fill it escapes via the mostly dry wicks. It's a problem that I've seen referred to in a few YT vid comments and on a couple of reviews.

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    Ah, got it now, thanks. I was searching on Google and using the first link that took me to the $20 version. Searching within the site does indeed bring up the $9. They have the Peerless RDA SE for just $20 too (approx half the price in Thailand). Tough call. Have you tried a Peerless? Also, what's the delivery like with AE? Reliable? Likely to get through?

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