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  1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by SooKee, May 18, 2018.

  1. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Only ordered 1 atty from there. Took about 10 days.
    I'm not a fan of side airflow rda's.

    There is /was a Peerless for sale in the classifieds.
    Siam Diesel and SooKee like this.
  2. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Nearly dropped a clanger last night. Was looking through FastTech to order (I'll pay for faster delivery - likely Singapore Registered) and dropped a spool of clapton wire in the basket. Lucky I checked back as it was SS wrapped with Ni80 which, from what I've read, can't be used in VW mode (because of the Ni80)?
    Yeah, I'll likely just order a Lush and give it a go. If I don't get on with it it's only a few bucks. Will pick up a few other bits too, inc 810 > 510 drip tip adaptors, can't get used to the wider openings on the 810s as yet.
    Hmmmm. No matter what I try the Lush at $9 from AE has gone again. Maybe it was a short time offer? Odd. Think I might have decided on the Digiflavour Drop now. Deep juice well and seems very easy to build. Lots of rave reviews (FWIW). If I can get the Lush back up again at $9 I'd stick it back in the basket. Can't though.
    And......using the app. It's back. Very strange??
    Siam Diesel and Nakhonsisean like this.
  3. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    WRT the problem of airlock when filling the tank I find it's somewhat reduced if you give the bottle a fairly powerful pump when you fill, not so much like your trying to empty the whole bottle in but more than just gentle trickling.

    I saw some users have got round the problem by drilling a 1mm hole in the deck but I don't want to go that route for fear of buggering the atty up though those that have done it say it works fine. Bit of a design flaw if you need to resort to that.

    Maybe that's why the atty has had a price drop in Malaysia from RM199 to RM 160 (IIRC) or maybe it just wasn't shifting in enough numbers at the price.

    Still pleased with it overall though.

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    Cracked it now with the airlock. The problem is pretty much erradicated if you fill the bottle with one shot with a reasonable amount of pressure on the bottle which seems to force the air bubbles out in one shot. Slow filling with repeated short squeezes of the bottle creates / exacerbates the problem creating larger, pretty immovable air bubbles. When that happens (which it doesn't for me now) it's best to run the tank to almost empty, even tipping the RDTA upside down (there are no leaks from this if you've wicked it right) and then refill as above.
  4. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Working well now with 8 wrap spaced Kanthal 24. Looking forward to trying it with SS316 currently on order.


    The filling I find much better with the slightly more pliable juice bottles as it's easier to get the pressure right for a single shot, luckily I like the flavours of those to (Cloud Niners & AJ Vape). Using bottles of the glass pipette type fillers is a definite no no. Don't fit and would be prone to breaking off. One of the downsides of the tank design but not a problem for me.

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    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  5. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Jan 13, 2024
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    Update WRT this tank:

    The impression that I get is that it's mainly be designed to use Clapton type coils as when using micro coils of say, 26 ga, it ends up with the legs splaying out quite a way (and more then I'd like) even with 8 wrap coils as even the narrow post holes are wide apart. 10 wraps seems to fit relatively comfortably (26 ga) but I'm a bit hesitant to go that many wraps for fear of wicking problems. You could of course use longer legs on the coils but I'm not keen on that so much either as, even with long legs, I still find it fairly difficult to stop the spread of the legs unravelling the end of the coils somewhat, they come in at too sharp an angle. As it is, I'll probably stick to using fairly simple Clapton / fancy coils in it or maybe 24 gauge SS316 which would make for slightly wider coils.

    The air bubbles creating problems when filling the tank I've kinda mastered now but it does limit some of the juices I can use as it needs the softer, more pliable, bottles to be able to get the one shot approach to filling without flooding the deck into the air holes. I think a 1mm vent hole might have been needed in the deck when it was designed, a modification that I've seen a few users posting they've done themselves. Not sure I can be bothered and lack the gear here to do it accurately. In the current climate it's not something I'd like to take to a machine shop.

    Overall I still like the tank but the issues above are a bit of a peeve to be honest. I'm also not sure I'm that sold on the whole RDTA thing. Minor quibbles I know but I find this one a bit wasteful in terms of cotton, one strip from the Muji packs is a tad too short to do both coils so I end up cutting two strips and discarding the rest. In more general terms though WRT RDTAs, if the convenience of a tank is what you're after (given the flavour on this I find is not THAT much improved over my single coil Ammit 25 RTA), I'll likely continue to use the Ammit. If I really want the punch of flavour from a drip I think using a regular drip would be better, the 2ml tank on the DJV is hardly going to make for massive bounds in convenience (in fact a Peerless RDA with it's 9mm juice wells would be even more convenient and without the hassle of threading wicks through the juice well!).
    Rick O-Shea likes this.

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