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  1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!


Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by Konvict, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

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    I don't know if they all do, mine certainly does, well, it's about level.

    Don't know why they do this.
  2. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Just that I have FINALLY got the Orchid performing how I want, after chucking it in a box for a few weeks lol, as a mobile set up instead of dripping and the damned tank is just not going to be big enough for what I want. Got to start looking again for a tank for this purpose. ATM I am using a Cloupor DNA30 clone without an adjustable centre pin. So if it is recessed it is no good for what I want it for. lol
  3. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    Look into an Orchid 4 at FT. Better capacity and still an Orchid style vape. I really like mine.

    My Erlk 510 pin is not's about even like Rick said. It has worked on all the mods I have tried it on including both of my Cloupor Hana clones (no pin adjustments made or posssible), VaporShark rDNA (No adjustment needed - floating 510), Cloupor T5 (needed to adjust its 510 pin up) , IPV2 (no pin adjustments made) and Sigelei 100 (had to adjust 510 pin up).
    Longtail1 likes this.
  4. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    I'll check FT out. Thanks to both of you. Really do need something other than dripping for a big night. Hard to see in low light .
  5. Pipcon

    Pipcon Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Update - this evening I thought I would try something to stop the leaking after a new build or re-wick. (Topping up the juice as the tank gets low has never been an issue)

    So, instead of trying to fill it straight up to 80%, where usually it would still leak for a while, this time I filled it 20%, then had a few draws, then filled it to 80%, had a few more draws and then filled it to about 98%.


    Not a drop of leakage!

    Pretty stoked. Until now that was the only downside to this tank.

    So, a little bit of patience - I'm talking about an additional 3 minutes - and I'm a happy vaper! I mean this thing is so easy to fill through the top, it's just a no-brainer to try this method. Worked for me!

    Time for another Bourbon.....and a vape.....

    I have to get me another one of these tanks!

    Tontus, Siam Diesel and Konvict like this.
  6. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    Guess I have been lucky because, except for my first build where I suspected I may have had an air leak with not having the top secured, I have not had any leaks...even with refills all the way to the top, both part-way finished with a tank and also refilling a completely dry tank.

    It's a great vape isn't it Pipcon?
    Not that I spoke to soon but I just had my first touch of a dry hit with the Erlk (last vape before crashing in bed). Tilted the tank slightly and saw several bubbles go up. I read where sometimes they can get trapped below the metal ring that sits down around the base area of the chimney and some reported they just removed it with no changes in vape quality. I may try that.
  7. Pipcon

    Pipcon Well-Known Member

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    Indeed. Has become my go-to tank at the moment.
    Ease of filling -
    Tank capacity -
    Flavor is great -
    Weight -
  8. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

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    I have tried this Ikea Tank yesterday thanks to Scratchy, and wow, I got to say BEST FLAVOR I've ever tasted out of an RTA, hands down.

    Let's see if I get tired of my Russian soon enough... Scratchy, what was your build on it yesterday and which wattage did we vape at ?
  9. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

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    Alright already . . . . you guys have got me into "tank chasing."
    Just ordered the Erlkonigin and the Rose V2 from FT and next will be the Atlantis from 3Avape.
    Is there no end to this Vape Quest? :rolling laugh:
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  10. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    It's a 1.5 ohm single contact coil, 2.4 mm id and surprise surprise she's wicked with rayon. :). We vaped at about 12 W

    The Erlk and Rose v2 (I would say maybe a touch better flavor, a smoother vape but tighter draw and less capacity than the Erlk) and also the Orchids have really have improved the vaping experience for me.
    No end my friend and the Atlantis looks great. I hadn't looked but wonder what the costs are on the replacement heads? I assume a larger sized Atlantis will be coming soon....I'm a gonna wait to see if that happens.
    Tibo and Siam Diesel like this.
  11. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    My leak-less streak is over! Last night vaped her dry and decided to-rewick. I did so using the very same method I used before and it happened again. Massive leaking out the bottom after 3 or 4 pulls. I looked over everything externally and saw no gaps or things that could cause leaks. Took it apart, siphoned out the juice and re-wicked again. Same thing, leaking after a few pulls. Took it apart again and cut down the wick and again, same thing but this time I filled it less and the leaking stopped at about the 50% point of the tank and stopped. Let it sit overnight on paper towels and vaped this morning with some slight gurgling and it's been fine since.....a fantastic vape. I don't know why it's so temperamental with leaking. Will read up and see if there something I am not accounting for.
  12. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Well-Known Member

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    No end my friend and the Atlantis looks great. I hadn't looked but wonder what the costs are on the replacement heads? I assume a larger sized Atlantis will be coming soon....I'm a gonna wait to see if that happens.[/QUOTE]

    3avape ... Aspire Atlantis 5 pack replacement coil heads @$15 each pack
  13. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    I think I found the problem with the leaking. Pretty certain now.

    I did another build a short time ago with the intention of using just a little more wick in the channels and also laying near very top of channels than previously and maybe risk dry hits. I was closing the tank up with the very top plate and drip tip screwing in when I looked at the very bottom of the tank and saw that there was a gap between bottom edge of the plastic tank and where it should have been resting. It was almost sitting on top of the bottom o-ring instead of over it. I was surprised because I had finger twisted down the cap (That has the fill port o-rings on it) on the top of the plastic tank to where it seemed I reached the limit and could not screw down further. Well, it wasn't enough and must have been causing a vacuum leak in earlier builds either at the bottom seal or maybe the top chimney o-ring seal. So, I took a pair of pliers to the notches meant for finger twisting and twisted her down more and more and when finished the gap at the bottom of the tank was gone and the o-ring completely sealed. Filled up the tank and voila! No leak whatsoever and again a great vape!

    Some pics below. Fly-away rayon hairs removed before closing her up.

    photo 1.JPG
    photo 2.JPG
    photo 3.jpg
    Thanks, Buzz!
    10 minutes after these messages and before heading out to pick up a erlk from Big, I went to take it off my mod, found it was stuck some so grabbed harder and broke the tank! Ugh! I think that because of the longer length of tank being plastic some extra care needs to be taken in working with it.

    So, instead of picking up 1 copy from Big I got 2. They are made by Cigreen and found that compared to my first clone, it includes drip tip adapter, has a stainless steel tip, the fill hole washers much more secure and in place and it has red o rings as opposed to black. Very nice chimney threading too.

    Of course I couldn't leave Big's without asking what else is new and he had several new items including the Cloupor T8, Rose V2 from Tobecco that includes the stand tool, 3 or 4 different new RDA clones and assortment of delrin and teflon wide bore drip tips. It was like xmas time in his shop. Ended up walking out with a Quicksilver RDA clone...has nice deep juice wells similar to a Magma and cyclops adjustable air control.
    Cigreen build completed....noticed kits did not include the juice ring that sits at bottom of chimney and reported by some as not needed anyway and they also did not have a washer for the top of the chimney to top plate cap connection. However, it vapes well, has no leaking. One final note is it is a little louder than the clone I had from Fasttech.
  14. Konvict

    Konvict Thread Starter ProVari Moderator

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    The Land of Unhappy Vapers
    Do you mean the o-ring?

    Is the quality better than the one from FT?

    Here are some glass tanks for the Erlkonigin!
    IBTanked - Get Tanked With Us!
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  15. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    Yes, the o-ring...sorry for the terminology mix-up. As far as quality goes, they are about equal I think...good quality. The Cigreen included more items like drip tip adapter and I like the drip tip better. The only con vs the Fasttech (silver box) is that it's louder when vaping. Vape itself is basically the same between the two but feel the cigreen version has a little more open draw. Maybe that's why its louder.

    Those IBTanked tanks are nice. :)

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