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  1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!


Discussion in 'General Thailand E-Liquid Discussion' started by PaulSomeJoy, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Scuba Vaper

    Scuba Vaper Open Water Scuva Instructor

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    Wherever the Onion takes me today
    I've had some success "resteeping" juices that tasted completely aweful and bringing them to a reasonably pleasant vape.

    It's very difficult for juice manuafacturers to cater for all types of vaper's equipment. Most pertinent comments above about trying MTL setup, as these are designed to work with less vapour, and therefore flavour perhaps needs to be stronger in the juice. Flavours are fickle, and too concentrated they can taste aweful or just ignored by one's olfactorys.

    I also think it's possible for a juice to become "overstepped", where flavours become overpowering due to the length of time in steeping. Also, nicotine is known to deteriorate through oxygenation, heat and exposure to light. As do flavours, PG and VG have a "shelf life". So "old stock" from supplier might not have aged well, especially if it hasn't been stored with care. Not saying this is the case, I don't know these guy's procedures, and they are trusted on this forum, so err to the side of caution that they are doing everything properly.

    I also had good experience with bamskillicious juice. Personally I got a bit bored with monotone fruits, and really enjoy well constructed deserts, so will persevere in deserts, and savoury direction.

    Be nice to share my "methods", but nothing proven as yet, just experminenting with educated guesses. Repairing two juices doesn't make me an expert.

    Please don't ever throw ("good") juice in the bin, happy to pay EMS, just drop me a PM, gives me useful learning project in "juice repair". Perhaps over time I'll gain enough knowledge to put a post together on "how to" for this forum.
  2. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Well I got my GLV today and for me, atm, flavour is down and very subtle in a Nautillus. Having said that I have come from Aromamizer with a dual clapton @ 80W so not surprising. :pleasure::pleasure:

    Have to give this an houe or so before I can judge a little better. The flavour I can taste though is very nice. 18mg/ml and higher PG than I am used to as well so TH is right up there. Good nic hit though, which is what I was trying to accomplish, so I should be able to reduce my comsumption nicely.

    Now to see if my PG sensitivity is from pure volume vaped, which is where I tend to think it comes from.
    So tried Blueberry Morning and Deadlt Sin now. Blue berry morning is very nice, smooth. Deadly Sin is a touch spicy/peppery. Not saying it's the nic though, but something there. For a caramel it's pretty good for me. All 3 still low on flavour, but as I say that is going from a high flavour high powered RDTA to a Nautillus, my choice so I need to adapt a little bit. As things are atm I am very happy with the set up now to see if I can stick with it and maybe change from 20ml/day to something a little more reasonable.
  3. Konvict

    Konvict ProVari Moderator

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    If I really vape a lot, whole day and night, I think I can go through a maximum of 8 ml, on a normal day I am on 4 to 5 ml with my Nautilus on 12mg...I will be surprised if you can vape more than 8 ml on a normal day!

    I am sure you will save a lot on juice consumption!
    farangmick and Siam Diesel like this.
  4. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Doing the change mainly for a stealthier set up when I go out, but the juice consumption is a factor as well. If I can adapt BACK to MTL low power vaping it will be a nice bonus. Sticking with this set up for a week or so to make sure I am getting what I need as opposed to what I want and will try it out in Patts next month for a night out to see how it goes.
    farangmick and Siam Diesel like this.
  5. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    I have a hard time placing the flavor....caramel would be a good description of it least part of it but it's more complex than just that one flavor. Speaking of which and now that I think about it, except for a menthol I was trying out for a friend, I probably haven't vaped a mono-flavored juice in well over a year.
    farangmick and Siam Diesel like this.
  6. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Well it's certainly not a mono flavour but caramel is tghe dominant one for me. Not my favourite type of flavour though, but this oner is at least vapable.
  7. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    If it's 3 mg and you ever wanna get rid of it, you've got a taker here. I dunno, maybe it'll grow on you even more through time and become more than vape-able. :)
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  8. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Unfortunately it's 18mg as I am using it in a Nautillus. It's an ok kind of flavour but none of these are my usual flavour profile and I am finding them all very bland coming from Aromamizers to try the Nautillus out for a party time vape when I go out. Very low in flavour compared to my usual set up.
    Siam Diesel and Konvict like this.
  9. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

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    Try it in an aromamizer. Shouldn't be bland or low in flavor that way. :)

    Just out of curiosity, what is/are your favorite juice(s) in the naut?

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  10. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Just got them a couple of days ago, to try high nic and higher PGfor less clouds for a going out and about set up. Only juices I have are the 3 GLV at 18mg and trying to stick to them to see if I can vape for prolonged periods on this set up. But out of the 3 (lol) Blueberry Morning then El Kamino. Once I have a better idea of how things are going I will try some lower nic higher PG juice I have to see if they wick ok and how flavours come out.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  11. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

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    My taste in juice still seems to swing after four months vaping. When my first bottle of strawberry cream from Lotta was running out, I followed the majority opinion and went for Kustard and Butterscotch GLV from Micky, the only 18 mg non tobacco juice he had in stock. Not keen on desert flavours so went for fruit, Feellife. Some good, some OK some not. Then tried MBV from vVv, initially fruits. Now really enjoying a sample of Cinnamon Roll, and I have a some Ruyan4 I like. Maybe it is about tastebuds coming back after years of stinkies, and being able to appreciate more subtle flavours.
    Quite happy with MBV. Very happy with the service from vVv.
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  12. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

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    One of my ADVs...but a coil killer! :)
    Konvict, farangmick and Longtail1 like this.
  13. Nizzy

    Nizzy Member

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    Ohh wow thats good to hear mate , cuz just 3 days ago i order two bottles of juice from vvvapor , their service was on point no doubt . But i honestly expected these mbv juices to be better considering all the hype. I love the flavours but i guess the 50/50 VG/PG ratio isnt for me . Now im waiting for some 100% VG juice with which i will mix these mbv's . Cant wait for the results tho . I have a feeling its gonna be amazing .

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  14. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

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    Cheers SD. When I get some with my next order, I'll put it in the Emow Mega tank with the dirt cheap coils whilst I'm not totally sure. I've tried 11 MBV juices from vVv. Nothing I haven't been able to vape, the fruits perk up with a dose of Extreme Ice, and three I make sure I don't run out of.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  15. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

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    Vape Wastelands
    If you like the flavors, what don't you like?
    farangmick and Konvict like this.

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