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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Nautilus Coil Break-In

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by SooKee, May 21, 2018.

  1. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Not sure if this is the best thread to post this but it seems to be about the closest to a generic Nautilus thread so here we go. Recently been trying out some different tanks (Ammit 25 RTA and a DJV RDTA) and once you get the wicking right the flavour from those is awesome. It's mainly flavour I'm interested in, not clouds.

    So, thought I'd fire up the Nautilus Mini on the Pico iStick again to compare and it was really meh :( Now I've only actually put a couple of coils on this so far so not so experienced at using it so thought I'd try a new BVC coil. This time however I read up on about everything I could find to ensure a good flavour as I even contemplated getting rid of it, it is very small, pocketable and convenient so getting it to work well would be the desired option. Just tried it again and it's not so bad. In terms of priming it before ramping the watts up to 11-12 (for the 1.8 ohm BVC) this is the routine I used:

    1) Thoroughly clean the tank.
    2) Insert new coil and drip a few shots of juice into the top and on the small holes at the bottom of the coil. Let that soak in and drip a couple of drops more.
    3) Close the air flow off and fill the tank.
    4) Pop the tank on, open the airflow, and take a few gentle unpowered (mod not turned on) draws to ensure the juice has been pulled into coil. Let it rest a few moments then repeat.
    5) Cover the airflow vent and give a gentle blow to push any trapped air out of the coil (not sure how efffective this is or if its needed)
    6) Fire up the mod and try a few gentle draws at 6, then 7, 8, 9 and 10w just to gently break in the coil (I'm not sure whether doing this over a few hours rather than a few minutes would be better but the vape at the really low watts is really tasteless, as you'd expect, so I prefer to move up the scale ASAP).
    7) Finally start proper usage at (for me) 11-12w.

    Only thing I'm not quite sure on, when I see folks say it produces good clouds I'm guessing that means good clouds for an MTL. Can't really see it being any more than you might get if you took a mega draw on a cigarette as it's the style of the tank. Like I say, I'm not into massive clouds (in fact prefer to attract as little attention as possible albeit at times a gallon of mango fruitiness of the RDTA/RDA tastes pretty darned good). Having taken the time to slowly bed in the coild it'll be interesting to see how long the coil lasts as replacing them isn't cheap though I guess if your'e an ex smoker it's not too bad given that 20 cigs a day would be, what, 120 baht?

    So, any thoughts? Anything I've missed in terms of prepping this to get the best flavour? About the only stage I might replace is using an ultrasonic cleaner (when I finally decide on which one) vs soap and water to clean the atty off.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  2. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Moved to a new thread...the other thread was ~4 yrs. old.

    When I change coils, I don’t drip any juice on the top, only on the 4 holes at the sides (2 drops per hole in rotation). After doing this, I let it sit for 10-15 mins. to allow the juice to saturate the cotton, then I start at 8.5 watts, take a few vapes, and increase the power by 0.5 watts each time until I arrive at my final wattage.

    How long the coil lasts depends on the juice (and mainly the amount of sweetners). I usually get at least 15 mls from the sweetest juices on up to 50-60 mls (or more) from the less sweet ones. If you buy the coils from China, they cost about $8 for a pack of 5 (or ~55 baht each), which is why I don’t bother trying to clean them. YMMV
    :vaping: :vaping:
    SooKee likes this.
  3. SooKee

    SooKee Thread Starter Contented Single Coiler

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Yeah I was wondering whether dripping into the top of the coil was needed / desirable. Seen it mentioned in several places. Trouble is, unless you have a very thin nozzle that doesn't randomly drip, there's a strong chance of juice going down the centre channel. Whether that's a problem I don't know. Given that juice is drawn up the outisde of the coil via the vent holes it would seem it's no supposed to go down there.

    I'm probably being overly paranoid about the ultra low priming wattages. Loathe to get any burnt coil taste. I know you can back of the wattage if you hit that point, trouble for me is once it's happened, the coil is shot IMO and it's downhill from there. But I think it's likely safe to start at 8w as you say.

    I'll def order the coils from China, FT or whatever. At Ali Express the cheapest (genuine) I could see was about $13, not far of Thai prices. FT have them at $12 for two boxes. Not so bad. I'll bundle some in for my next order.

    I need a bigger vape cupboard!!!
  4. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    That’s why I stopped doing it...prefer to let it wick from the side holes.
    Very unlikely at the low wattages unless you don’t wait for the cotton to get saturated. If I’m not paying attention when the juice gets low, I occasionally get a vape that starts to head towards burnt. As long as you stop & refill after 1 or 2, the coil should be ok.

    Try 3FVape for coils...that’s where I get mine.
    SooKee likes this.

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