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The snus alternative

Discussion in 'The Thailand Quit Smoking Discussion' started by AI-NAAM, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. AI-NAAM
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    AI-NAAM Thread Starter Provarinati Member

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    Snubie's top 10:

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  2. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Ooooooh nice.
  3. AI-NAAM
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    AI-NAAM Thread Starter Provarinati Member

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    Here's a 2017 updated version of the "types of snus" video from

    The white tobacco (at the 6:20) mark looks interesting.

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  4. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

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    Haven't looked at the vid yet but if the white tobacco is from Epok then it's quite nice. I find a bit of "gunk", only word I can think of, Builds up from the sweetener, I think, when it gets wet but the flavours are real nice.
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  5. AI-NAAM
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    AI-NAAM Thread Starter Provarinati Member

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    Well its been over a year now that I've been using snus. I still vape too, but I've been able to go for up to three weeks without a vape. I'm not trying to completely give up vaping but some situations (sickness and traveling) have forced me to hang-up vaping for a period of time.

    My teeth are not as white as when I started, but no worse than when I smoked. Nothing a good dental cleaning cant fix.
    My dentist said I have some slight gum rescission in the area where I hold my snus.

    Both my Doctor and dentist tell me I could get mouth or throat cancer from snus and are just as negative conserning vaping. They don't seem to understand the harm reduction concept.

    Article from: JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 99, Issue 18, 19 September 2007, Pages 1358–1365, Experts Fear Swedish Snus Sales in the U.S. Could Thwart Anti-Tobacco Measures | JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Oxford Academic
    There is no debate that snus is less harmful than cigarettes. The tobacco in snus is steam pasteurized, not fermented like other spit tobacco products, including chewing tobacco. This process, developed in Sweden, kills the microbes that create some of the cancer-causing toxins found in other smokeless tobacco products. Snus also doesn’t have the dangerous combustion products that cigarettes do, and there is little to no risk of lung cancer. But this is not to say that snus is completely safe. The most common health effects of snus are white patches in the mouth, called leukoplakia, and gum recession. There are cancer risks as well. A recent study in The Lancet showed that long-term snus users in Sweden had twice the risk of pancreatic cancer of people who never used any tobacco product (smokers had the highest risk of all). The researchers did not find an increase in oral cancer among snus users, but many experts contend that it is nevertheless a risk. “The evidence [from our study] was clearly reassuring with regard to oral cancer, which was perhaps contrary to our prior expectations,” said Hans-Olov Adami, M.D., Ph.D., professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.
    Experts Fear Swedish Snus Sales in the U.S. Could Thwart Anti-Tobacco Measures | JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute | Oxford Academic
    jpr and Siam Diesel like this.
  6. jpr

    jpr Well-Known Member

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    thank to @AI-NAAM for this post,
    I travel quite a lot this time and can't vape as I wish and peacefully.
    looking at the intolerance here (BKK), I can understand that some smocker adopt Snus.
    I just order 4 days ago, from Siamsnus a box of snus not in portion , (good service).
    Surprise It's a bit strong for me (I vape 3 to 6 mg/ml)
    I use a very little quantity of snus (it should be half or a quarter of the portion, roll in thai cigarette paper).
    I think it's just perfect for plane or uneasy situations. Vape is still the best IMO, a multitude of different juice, different style of vape.
    AI-NAAM likes this.
  7. AI-NAAM
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    AI-NAAM Thread Starter Provarinati Member

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    Some flavored-snus recommendations here:

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