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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Canada clears the air around Ecigs

Discussion in 'E-News' started by Bantorvaper, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. Bantorvaper

    Bantorvaper Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2015
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    From Planet of the Vapes
    Posted 30th January 2017 article by Mawsley
    Canada clears the air around Ecigs | Planet of the Vapes

    University of Victoria academics have carried out a comprehensive review of evidence regarding the harms and benefits of vaping. Their findings, published by the University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC), are detailed in a report titled “Clearing the Air”.

    The 66 page report states at the outset: “Clearing the Air is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded knowledge synthesis project that examines the debate around vapour devices (e-cigarettes) through a synthesis and evidence review. In the literature search we queried 15 databases and retrieved 1,622 journal articles through April 26, 2016. This library was searched for articles on cessation, youth use, second-hand exposure, and the toxicity of vapour devices compared to cigarettes. In a number of instances, the research studies provided conflicting data. The overriding caveat for evaluating the findings is that the plethora of different devices and liquids means that the findings of a particular study may not be generalizable to other devices.”

    “There is no evidence of any gateway effect whereby youth who experiment with vapour devices are, as a result, more likely to take up tobacco use. The available evidence is that tobacco use by youth has been declining while use of vapour devices has been increasing”

    Marjorie MacDonald was the team’s co-lead researcher, in an interview with the University’s in-house publication she said: “Fears of a gateway effect are unjustified and overblown. From a public health perspective, it’s positive to see youth moving towards a less harmful substitute to tobacco smoking.”

    In addition to providing a conclusion to support the two recent studies debunking any notion of a gateway effect, the team also found that there is “strong evidence” that vapour contains considerably lower levels of cancer causing agents than cigarette smoke. Not only do they believe that vape is far less toxic than cigarette smoke, almost “all substances tested were substantially lower, or not detected, in vapour devices compared to cigarettes.”

    While they point out that second-hand vape is highly unlikely (as vape lingers in the air for 30 seconds rather than the 20 minutes it takes tobacco smoke to dissipate), they do add words of caution regarding metal particulates: “Some vapour devices may contain potentially concerning levels of metals and particulate matter, noting that there has been insufficient research regarding some significant carcinogens that may still be present.”


    Tim Stockwell, the other co-lead on the paper, added: “The public has been misled about the risks of e-cigarettes. Many people think they are as dangerous as smoking tobacco but the evidence shows this is completely false.”

    “Overall, there is encouraging evidence that vapour devices can be at least as effective as other nicotine replacements as aids to help tobacco smokers quit”
    The team conclude: “We recommend that Canadian regulation of vapour devices be driven by best available evidence with a view to supporting improved public health outcomes. Policy should not be driven by ungrounded fears of a ‘gateway effect’ but, rather, be geared towards helping tobacco smokers quit and ensuring that only the safest devices are legally available, thereby reducing harm for both direct and second hand exposure.”
    farangmick and Siam Diesel like this.
  2. farangmick

    farangmick Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Thanks @Nick Webber . Your posts give more ammunition against the people who think that nicotine is the problem in cigarettes. I often meet rational, educated people who think that because my e juice contains nic it is as bad as a pack of L&M.
    jpr likes this.
  3. dl12345

    dl12345 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    I've come across the same thing....nicotine is relatively benign compared to the benzene, formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, DDT, methoprene, lead and about 40 other known carcinogenic compounds in cigarette smoke.
    farangmick and jpr like this.

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