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E-cigarette battery blows up in man's pocket

Discussion in 'E-News' started by -V-, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    David Yeo, 35, heard a massive bang that 'sounded like a firework' before he realised the spare battery in his pocket had suddenly burst into flames

    A man is waiting to hear if he will need a skin graft after he suffered horrifying burns when an e-cigarette battery blew up in his trouser pocket.

    David Yeo, 35, heard a massive bang that 'sounded like a firework' before he realised the spare battery in his pocket had suddenly burst into flames .

    He managed to rip off his clothes but not before sustaining third degree burns to his leg and injuries to both of his arms.

    The recycling worker was having a quiet night at home with his girlfriend Beckie when the horror unfolded.

    David, of Exmouth, Devon, said: "There was a massive bang and flames shot out.

    "It was like a Roman Candle firework had been set off.

    "I tried to drop to the floor to put myself out, but the hallway was too small."

    He added: "I managed to rip my jeans off, but by that time it was too late - my jeans and jumper had gone up.
    "It was very lucky that my girlfriend was there.

    "She was beating the flames out as I was trying to remove my jeans.

    "I was in a state of complete shock - I was shaking and screaming," he said.
    David was taken to hospital and, though discharged that night, he has had to attend Exmouth Hospital every day to have all his bandages changed.

    He has had to make a string of visits to Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, as he waits to hear if he will require a skin graft.

    Read more: Student shatters spine and breaks front teeth after e-cigarette 'explodes in his mouth'

    David's also been signed off from work at Knowle Hill Recycling Centre,near Budleigh Salterton - a job he only started earlier this month.

    He has now warned thousands of other e-cigarette users to be extra-careful.
    "I had some loose change in my pocket with the battery when it ignited but I don't know if that was the cause," he admitted.

    "I'd urge other e-cigarette users to always check their battery safety guidelines."

    A Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said they don't have any specific advice on e-cigarette batteries in pockets but referred 'smokers' to advice given by the charity Electrical Safety First.

    It says users should: carefully follow instructions supplied by the manufacturers pay close attention to any warnings supplied with the product ensure e-cigarettes were not left charging for long periods or overnight and look for the CE mark, which indicates chargers comply with European safety standards.

    Screen Shot 2558-11-26 at 12.27.21 PM.png
    E-cigarette battery blows up in man's pocket leaving him with horrifying burns - Mirror Online
    Siam Diesel, Dieter. and Emmess like this.
  2. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    There you go.
    Just the other week I set up a mate with a vape kit, 18650 batteries were involved so I sat him down and ran through about battery safety and about such things as this with keys and change in your pocket with a open battery.
    I scared the shit out of him in a good way, then gave him one of my spare plastic battery cases too.
    Every vendor should be doing this, showing pictures of what can happen if battery safety isn't there and explaining that as long as you remember these few small things then there's no danger...
  3. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    In a shop where they sell the batteries it would be easy to ask the customer, if he needed some plastic battery holders as well, might even generate some extra sales, ok small maybe but important. I also think even in net sale it should be done placing batteries and the cases together, so it would be rather easy for customers to order the battery cases as well, or at least they would know where to get them. If only people would use thre heads, and use common sense, a lot of these accidents could be avoided.
    haybilly, Siam Diesel and -V- like this.
  4. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I think with the power and dangers involved with these batterys they should be sold with silicone sleeves at least. These are too powerful to throw in your pocket with your change or keys.
    Neilly, haybilly, Siam Diesel and 2 others like this.
  5. -V-

    -V- Thread Starter Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yep even online vendors should have the safety info about carrying batteries in your pocket or purse, even include a small note with the batteries

    This is where I totally agree on getting some laws in for Vape gear. It's too sloppy at the moment and in a way needs tightening up in such as this. All I mean is laws where safety info is included on every battery sold, batteries must be sold with plastic cases and so on

    Sent from my IPV 4 Mod
  6. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    The batteries i have bought so fare always came in a carton box. Would it be so much more expensive than to let them come in a plastic case instead ? and a print use this box when you transport your battery ?
  7. fridgemagnet

    fridgemagnet Chiang Mai Vaper

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Chiang Mai and Bantry, Ireland
    Darwin awards winner there.
    You can't legislate brains into people, if they don't have any in the first place.
    All that can be done is to sell lithium batteries in cases, and not loose.
    - with a printed warning on the box.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  8. The Rev

    The Rev Forgiven Member

    Jul 5, 2014
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    On the Tip of a Big Created Rock
    In the states when you buy batteries, they come in plastic cases. There is no reason they shouldn't everywhere.
    fridgemagnet and Siam Diesel like this.
  9. fridgemagnet

    fridgemagnet Chiang Mai Vaper

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Chiang Mai and Bantry, Ireland
    He is ginger...
    haybilly likes this.
  10. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Moronic-- what fool leaves a battery next to anything metal, anywhere, let alone in his pocket--but, to be fair, he did say people should check about battery safety--the horse and stable door comes to mind.

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