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In case you were wondering: The US GOV'T can care less if 1 million people petition

Discussion in 'E-News' started by Darth Vaper, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Darth Vaper

    Darth Vaper Thread Starter Keep Calm and Impose Your Will on Others

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hell, Ironic Punishments Division.
    If you have ever wondered whether members of the American ruling class were truly cynical malicious sh!tD!ck leeches or did it just seem that way, this recent report on NPR (found here) pretty well demonstrates the attitude and position of your average US policy maker towards massive public opinion.

    On the one hand, I can sympathize with the position of the government employees interviewed in that the vast majority of publicly submitted comments do not argue their case well. This is true. But it also neglects to consider the simple fact that an unprecedented number of people are unified in expressing a single message: "NO!" To dismiss the validity or significance of 1 million people shouting "NO!" at a decision you are about to make, supposedly on their behalf, in their "so called" interest, while performing your duty in the role of public (absolutely chock full of sh!t) servant... is indefensible. Even if 1 million people in this case have no idea what they are talking about, when we all agree to adhere to a society of rules and laws - you do not get to pick and choose which ones to actually abide by. It is typically understood to be an all or nothing type thing... maybe not so much anymore.

    Why does this matter to a vaper in Thailand? It doesn't actually! It is much easier to ignore the hand basket that the United States is going to hell in from here. You probably should ignore this thread too!

    Except that the "proposed FDA regulations" are more or less code words for: "coming FDA regulations". And this is bad for the world because:

    -another distortion of reality becomes an enforceable fact under US regulatory control: vegetable and propylene glycerol is tobacco.
    -another precedent will be set by the world leader in Black Iron Prison production. This sets the stage for the world to follow. And a large percentage will follow.
    -postpones the possibility of the successful funding and production of my proposed global feel good gimmick "Hands Across the Equator" (in a nod to the American localized version of the 1980's) due to widespread chronic uncontrollable anger disorder inflicting over half of the world population upon the conclusion made by the International Criminal Court that the degree and scale of harm done from the conscious interference in the dissemination of proven tobacco cessation products like electronic cigarettes amounts to a crime against humanity.

    But seriously, who cares any ways? Look! Boobies!


    None of the above statements can be substantiated with facts of any kind and ought not to be read, commented on nor thought about further by anyone.

    The above video will be available at approximately 1:30 am (40 minutes from time of posting). This is not an error, just a limitation imposed by the of the hosting service.
  2. byoung

    byoung Upcountry Vaper

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Re: In case you were wondering: The US GOV'T can care less if 1 million people petiti

    So you don't like American politics/policy/control/arrogance///

    Neither do I, which is one big reason why I now live in the land of denials. When it all implodes I may move back...or maybe not.


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