1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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RTA'S The Best Debate :S

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by Louis, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Louis

    Louis Thread Starter Active Member

    Dec 5, 2014
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    Chiang Mai
    Hello Fellow Vapers

    I am interested in Purchasing a new RTA (shock horror) But I am unsure of which one to try next. There are so Many I have seen reviews on and tried a few myself but I value the opinion of our forums members highly and would like your feedback.

    I currently have a Kayfun v4 and 3.1 (clones of course).

    I really like the flavour they are easy enough to build but the airflow is a little too tight for myself.

    I also have the Aspire Atlantis which is Awesome, I love the airflow but its a bit of a beast for all day use.

    I have looked at the Wolverine, the Orchid the Eleaf lemo. I would really like something reliable, leak proof with an awesome airflow and flavour.

    What are your guys favourite RTA's and what would you recommend in light of my needs ? thank you fellow Vapers
  2. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Goblin ?

    I have the Orchid, Lemo, Delta II, Subtank Mini and have/have had several others with less airflow.
    Of them all I prefer the Delta II
    Louis likes this.
  3. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Probably good to better understand what you mean here. What is it about the Atlantis that isn't quite a good fit? Siam Diesel described his not preferring it because of how much vapor it produces...the same for you?

    I could recommend either the Delta II or the Subtank Mini. Both can put out a lot of vapor and from what I read maybe just a touch less intense than the Atlantis...the real good thing with both of these is that they also have an RBA option so you can do your own coils to your own liking. It's a separate purchase add-on for the Delta II and for the Subtank Mini is included in the package.

    Heard good things about the Goblin but haven't tried one yet.
    Louis likes this.
  4. Louis

    Louis Thread Starter Active Member

    Dec 5, 2014
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    Chiang Mai
    Exactly it kicks out a hell of a lot of vapour and I love it but often I prefer something a bit less intense but would love a similar airflow.

    Airflow on the Goblin looks good I would prefer a pure RDA but would consider a subtank or similar hybrid style What do you vape daily Scratchy ?
  5. jon

    jon Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Nong Luong
    If you would be interested in a pure rda, then I would say a Marquis with maybe Derringer on second.
    Else the Goblin is great, no leaking for me so far and I have used it hard since I got it.

    Subtank mini is easy to build with the rba deck, but I have not used the coils at all.

    I currently spend most of my vape time on rda's, but mix in rba's, and a little rta for good measure.
    PattsVaper and Louis like this.
  6. lordofthedread

    lordofthedread Professional Lurker

    Aug 11, 2014
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    The SubTank produce a vapor that is not as dense as the Atlantis, owning both myself I do find the Atlantis a little bit beastier, airflow is way open on both tank (maybe a little bit more on the Atlantis tho).

    Did not tried the Delta 2 but really pleased with the Subtank, both with stock coils and RDA base.
    Louis likes this.
  7. Foggy

    Foggy Active Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Cocerning rta's:
    If you're aiming at dual coils, definitely the Orchid. A hell lot of vapour and good flavour as well.
    Although it drains your liquid quite fast.
    For single coils, the Erlkonigin is the absolute flavour king.
    I'm now trying to decide which one to buy new: the Youde Goblin or the Eleaf Lemo
    I'd like the Lemo for its' large building deck and large airflow.

    Concerning rda's:
    My Atomic and my Ventury are running neck to neck as far as it concerns flavour.
    Allthough the Venturi has the advantage of more juice capacity and it's practically leak free, I like the simplicity of the Atomic and its' outstanding flavour.
    I'm not much of a cloud chaser, so I don't now which rta has more (possible) vapour production. I guess it's the mutation x, but there are so many more on the market every week that it's hard to follow everything.
    Louis likes this.
  8. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    You'd probably be a little surprised if I started listed out my daily use devices. I am all over the place between more than a few. However, the majority of time lately I use the Delta II, the Subtank mini, and an aspire nautilus all with different juices and used according to taste and style of vape. At home I use RDAs more such as the Lancia, Marquis and Hobo but not limited to those, just more often of late. :)

    For something a little less intens than an Atlanyis and based on what I have heard about it, I think the Delta II and Subtank mini might fit the bill. You mentioned RDA but that can and probably would be more intense than an Atlantis!

    Hybrids as you refer to them are great because you can use both your own coils and stock ones as well. Delta II and Subtank both fit that category

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    PattsVaper and Louis like this.
  9. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Ok I have kayfuns 3.1, lights, V4s, Sub tank mini and nano, Lemo, and some duel coil tanks, im a single coil fan as its easier to build and maintain, kayfun 3.1 and V4 are a little short on air flow without modification. The lemo on the other hand can do everything and has been my ADV for the pasts few months, Im sure the others can be built to do better, but for an all rounder from tight to airy draw the lemo is a winner. No matter what I do with the sub tanks there airy, and I prefer a dense vape. I have all the tanks I mentioned on the go, but the only one that gives me everything is the lemo, Delta 2 for me is too expensive and I haven't tried the goblin yet but think its for cloud chasers.
    Foggy and Louis like this.
  10. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Speaking about the Lemo, there are people like myself who have had problems with it introducing unwanted, additional electrical resistance. Some probably don't even notice it and it's not an issue anyway. I understand it's not every copy and pretty much all devices can have bad production runs. Personally, I felt it was super-easy to build on with good airflow and those are definite pluses but, even excluding its design that can lead to the added resistance, it just didn't give me as dense or flavorful vape as other attys mentioned here. It's the only atty I have ever owned that disappointed me from the start and made me want to throw it in the bin. That being said, a lot of people like it and it received some good reviews so my experience doesn't seem to be the average one. Better to put more weight in other's, like Mack's experience and happiness with it.

    I probably shouldn't "chime in" as much as I do about the Lemo and I'm on a bit of a drunk here tonight so I resolve now to no longer make mention of it! :beer:
    Louis and Foggy like this.
  11. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I also found the Lemo to be hugely disappointing in all areas.
    Foggy likes this.
  12. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I don't know why Ive been so lucky with my Lemo, I get the thickest dense clouds from mine which in turn means the flavours delivered better, I can even vape it at lower wattage than my other tanks., I don't want to like it, its ugly but it does a great job. It gets knocked on the floor by the kids about once a day too so the glass is strong. I have never changed the coil that came in it and its larger than any of my others, it runs with a 3mm spaced coil and unlike my other tanks the wicking is very tight. That's how it came and because it works good like this I have kept it the same.
    Foggy likes this.
  13. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
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    The wastelands.
    I would agree with Foggy on Orchid or Erlkonigin for tanks. Orchid is awesome in terms of airflow and flavor from dual coils. Erlkonigin is my go to travel tank since it drains battery less than dual coil.
    Foggy likes this.
  14. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I'm totally clueless about RTA's, but if the pre-made coil is too much then won't any dual coil/sub-ohm build be too much too? Or at least he should start on something lighter I'm thinking....
  15. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The Delta is $26 on FT. I expect the RBA will be <$10. I paid $40 which is above my limit for an atomizer but was interested in this one after using the original and thinking it was the best clearo at the time. For $10 you should really be getting a SS RBA deck though.
    I've got a Goblin on the way. Only the Ubertoot, Silverplay, Goliath that really interest me at the moment.
    Foggy likes this.

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