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(Yet another) New Data Shows Vaping Helps Quit Smoking

Discussion in 'E-News' started by Bantorvaper, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. Bantorvaper

    Bantorvaper Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2015
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    New Data Shows Vaping Helps Quit Smoking
    From ChurnMag.com of Sept 15th.

    New Data Shows Vaping Helps Quit Smoking - ChurnMag

    A new study has been released this week about the side-effects of vaping, but the results are surprisingly nothing new.

    The study, known as the Cochrane Review, published its results and was picked up NBC and FOX. Within the published conclusion, the study reveals that there has been no change to the side effects of substituting vaping for smoking from studies done in recent years. The only side-effects that were detected are the same ones that have been continuously claimed by former smokers who are now vapers: A sore throat and mouth irritation.

    It is important to note, however, that more studies are needed in order to understand the long-term effects of vaping, especially as they compare to smoking traditional cigarettes. Of all of the studies reviewed, only two used the randomized controlled experiments, known as Golden Rule of scientific experiments. Also, the studies only viewed vapers within a two-year time frame, which is not nearly long enough to understand the effects of vaping.

    The review remains positive nonetheless. The fact that there were no new side effects shows that vaping hasn’t changed in terms of its ingredients or its helpfulness to former smokers. And with so many people interested in vaping as a smoking cessation method, the review was sorely needed to provide comfort to those who wish to try it to quit smoking.

    The Cochrane Review, which is an independent consortium of researchers from all over the world, conducted this review of studies to ensure that an objective point of view was delivered to vapers and advocates all over the world. While there aren’t many studies that have been published to date on the long-term side effects of vaping, the Cochrane Review does acknowledge that many are ongoing and more studies are starting soon on this very subject.

    “We are encouraged to find many studies are now under way, particularly as electronic cigarettes are an evolving technology,” said Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, a member of the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, commented upon the publishing of the results.

    Hartmann-Boyce went on to say that: “In terms of quitting, these [studies] can’t provide the same information we get from randomized controlled trials, but they contribute further information on the side-effects of using electronic cigarettes to quit smoking. None detected any serious side-effects, but longer term data are needed.”

    Also out this week was a review from London researchers which found that smokers who used vaping as a smoking cessation tool were able to quit smoking successfully. The team, which is headquartered at University College London, wrote in their conclusion that:

    “We would expect up to two-thirds of these individuals to relapse at some point in the future, so we would estimate that e-cigarettes may have contributed about 18,000 additional long-term ex-smokers in 2015.”

    The team also spoke briefly about what switching to vaping could mean for long-term smokers, citing that: “A 40-year-old smoker who quits permanently can expect to gain nine life years compared with a continuing smoker.”

    With vaping being a burgeoning marketing in the United States, and sales expected to hit an estimated $3.5 billion this fiscal year, it’s important for more studies to be done regarding vaping. For now, however, studies and reviews are consistently showing that vaping is a good alternative for smokers and should not be dismissed.

    And for vapers who want a more open discussion on vaping and the overreach of the FDA’s deeming regulations, this is great news.

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