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Aspire Nautilus - WHY?

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by byoung, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    It sure sounds like you're on a crusade here byoung. You've found some things that work for you and that you're happy with like pre-coiled silica wicks for your Kayfuns and Aqua and that's great. But I guess it riles you that the majority of the members here are more into cotton wicks and other stuff. No one is badmouthing silica or looking down on vapers that like and use that material, to each his own.

    I'm curious, how many tanks that you say people have raved about have you actually tried? Every time? Just like the Nautilus which you haven't tried? You've only been a member of the forum since June of this year and that to me is not a very long "past" to be making judgements of what's old news. We're all here to give our personal objective reviews of various tanks, mods and vaping gear in an effort to help one another. But we're never all going to agree on everything because just like e-juice, opinions are subjective. I just don't think it's right that you start a thread to bash a good clearomizer like the Nautilus which you have never even tried and also not even know that it doesn't use silica in it's build.

    I still use and enjoy my iclear 30s, my Aspire BDCs, my Kanger tanks but advancements are being made all the time with vaping gear and the Nautilus BVC coil is the newest among these. It's up to you if you want to accept another member's recommendations or not , to try it or not. No one is trying to make you believe anything mate, we're all just offering friendly, helpful advice and you can either take it or leave it. :cheers2:
    SooKee likes this.
  2. byoung

    byoung Thread Starter Upcountry Vaper

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Sorry...don't mean to come across as bashing anything. I just get tired of trying yet another tank system that turns out to be no better than the last. There are even videos on you tube talking about this. I just tried an iclear 30S yesterday for the first time. I read a lot here about how good it is. So imagine my frustration when I find it isn't anything to get excited about.

    Just venting my frustration.

    I'm off to BKK in a couple of hours. Not sure how much I'll be checking the forum while I'm there.
  3. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    i am struggling with that myself, the
    Nautilus taste with the BVC Coils is really outstanding it produces a lot of vapor ... and somewhat it seems to perform way better on the Mini Nautilus then on the Normal Nautilus, i could be wrong thou, but i am having the impression quite often. Although its same coil, so must be wrong LOL

    So things i really dont like with it is like you mentioned already 7-10 and the coil need to be replaced and its a quite expensive coil.
    I also have 2 Kanger Aerotanks on my desk a Mega and a normal one, but for the coil replacements its the same pattern they are good only for 7-10 days.

    I have still a Kayfun i sometimes vape, but most of the time when i vape RBA its the Taifun GT, so lemme just compare the clearos with the Taifun GT. .... and it makes me wonder why i use the Nautilus / or the Aerotanks cause comparing it cost wise with the GT they loose, on the GT i have the very same coil now since months, i just replace the wicking material from time to time ...

    i guess the only reason i am having the others is cause i like to have different flavors quite often, and the Nautilus / Aerotanks is the closest which comes to my GT, or prolly to you Kayfuns
    SooKee likes this.
  4. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    The Iclear 30s is now an older tank, and sadly to say outdated a bit compered with the dominating tanks of today. But it also count what you compare it with. I got my Iclear 30S tank nearly a year ago together with the VTR. At that time it was a revolution compared to the tanks i was using then. The first tank i had that never leaked, with a lot of vapour and a good taste. And of course a generous use of juice. I still use them today with the 1.5 Ohm coil on my mechanicals, when going out. The coils last for a long time, and the ease of filling them, just remove the topcap and start filling, you even don't have to take the of the mod first, make me still use them today.

    I have never gone into the use of drippers or rebuildables, so I can't compare with them, I can only compare with, what i had before the Iclear 30S came, and wow it became my tank then. Today I'm using the Nautilus and the Aero Mega, and I'm quiet happy with both of them now. The Aero Mega in the start was frustrating, because of all the different coils Kangertech was throwing at us, but with the last 1.5 Ohms coil i am also happy with that tank, and having no issues with it.

    Use some Voodoo on this, or even better, I bought the Nautilus Stainless Replacement Tank from Micky. Then I can't see when the tank is half full/empty and i just suck it as usual. Since the juice now is in the dark, the tank also don't know when the tank is half full/empty and forgets to turn the gurgling on. When I get the first ugly tasting vape, I know its time to refill the tank. Sorry could not help it, but funny enough it helped in one case :grin:
    SooKee likes this.
  5. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I got the SS replacement tank too with the big Nautilus and that's some good logic Dieter, "the tank won't know it's half full/empty," sounds right so I'm gonna give this a try. :good idea: :pleasure:
  6. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Enjoy and have fun. Pop in to Big's shop while you're there...
  7. ryanmacl

    ryanmacl Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    It's funny, I vividly remember advising you to skip the disposables altogether, and you saying making your own coils seemed too hard. Look at where we ended up.
  8. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yes, same thing for many really.
    I use the KayFun on my big rDNA and am happy with my smaller DNA VS with the mini nautilus, but I will be looking into trying to re build it like RIP did at some point too, but as an out of the box clearo and coil it's definitely a good vape
  9. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I use the narutilus (not the mini) for when i go out and use kayfuns at home. The large tank will last all day and the vape experience is one of the best for what you pay for
  10. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    But Ryan . . . . it seems byoung isn't making his own coils. :wink:


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