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Chinese juices which are tolerable

Discussion in 'General Thailand E-Liquid Discussion' started by Submaniac, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I agree with you about the Feelife juices Dieter. I buy them from Wut's shop here in Pattaya. I've posted before that I've been buying a brand called Blacksmoke from him but he confessed to me that it is actually Feel Life, another company buys it from them and puts their own label on it. The fruit flavors are really good and I just got a bottle of Strawberry Mint today, "yummy." I especially like the fact that they all taste good straight out of the bottle with no steeping required.

    I also got a 30 ml bottle of Liqua to try, only 200 Baht. We all know that it's an Italian Company but they're manufactured in China. What flavor did I get? "Cola." You gotta try it if you haven't already . . . . It's amazing! It really does taste like you've just had a sip of soda with every vape. Not Coke or Pepsi, it's more like RC Cola or Bing without the sugar to worry about. lol

    This is definitely authentic Liqua and not the fake stuff that I've bought before in Pattaya . . . . the difference is like night and day! :vaping:
  2. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    What's Wut charge for a bottle of feellife? In hua hin I have only found one gadget shop that sells them for 200b. How's that for taking the piss.
  3. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Wut sells a 10 ml bottle for 100 Baht and if you buy 5... you get 1 free.

    Sent from my GT-I8190 using Tapatalk
  4. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    Not so bad but guess Micky is still the man. Got to try some grape next order.
  5. nickycakes

    nickycakes Active Member

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Liqua is the most faked brand at the moment. So much so that if you try to order bottles from china, they offer you the option of the liqua style triangle embedded caps. Considering the 30ml's retail for about 300 baht, I'd take a look at this page to verify: Original LIQUA Liqua or Fake | Ritchy | EN

    I got some very realistic looking liqua from HK, and it had EVERYTHING including the raised triangle sticker, but the plastic wasn't as soft as it should be, and the tapered tip wasn't as tapered as in that photo. I emailed Ritchy pics and they confirmed it was a fake. I wouldn't imagine you could get 30ml's of legit liqua for less than 500 or 600thb here.
  6. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Yeah, I checked out that site months ago when I bought some Liqua here in Pattaya for 300 baht and it was definitely fake, so price is not a guarantee of getting the real stuff either.

    The Liqua I got from Wut checks out in every respect and he told me it is the real thing. Bottom line is this Cola flavor tastes really good and I'll buy it again.
  7. nickycakes

    nickycakes Active Member

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Good to hear. I've yet to taste the real thing :cry:
  8. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Yes Micky is still the man. He sells the normal Feel life 10 ml bottles for 50 Bath each. I also tried the Feel life concentrated for 80 bath for a 10 ml bottle. The taste should be stronger. I tried the New Zealand Peach, and It's a really fine strong taste. I just love it. I am convinced that it's the original feel life liquid.

    But let us not forget Tienga, who sells the feel life 10 ml bottles for 60 Bath, if you buy 10 you get one free and free ems. In Udonthani I had the same problem with Liqua juice. I could mostly only get some copies of the original, and at the marked only a few bottles to choose from. Therefore I
    get all my Juice from Micky and Tienga, just happy for their good and quick service, and.......The price is right.
  9. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Not quite a chinese one, but very good imho, the new ones from Vapor Mist @ FB
    i am toally in love with Deep Fried Donut those days, pushed my 2nd order out for this one already,
    and he has now some Tabacco style juices as well called Bogdan or Bodang :D they are 90 THb for 15 ml so a bit more then the others, but really good
    cant really describe the taste of those, i just love it.
  10. AI-NAAM
    No Mood

    AI-NAAM Provarinati Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    You should try some of his E.h20 liquids on your next order.
    60Baht per btl, free EMS with 6.
    I personally like the Milk Tea, Green Tea, and Cola flavors.
    :very good:
  11. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    Got the 10+1 order a few days ago.

    Vanilla I quite like. Rather mellow and I vaped it all night.

    Grape not bad, only tried a few drops.

    Strawberry not bad either. I have a tank out with me now.

    Yet to try... ..shisha apple, red apple, butterscotch.
  12. Konvict

    Konvict ProVari Moderator

    May 2, 2014
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    The Land of Unhappy Vapers
    I also got them two days ago and this is what I thought of them:
    Strawberry, banana and banana chocolate taste different on the inhale but smell the same on the exhale. I actually don't know if I like the smell yet....time will tell...
    Sorry Oil, but I threw the banana chololate in the trash, I couldn't taste banana nor chocolate in it and couldn't really figure out what I did taste like, maybe some kind of peach on the inhale but nothing that resembles what it should be, I know that taste is subjective ......but I cannot vape it when a label says it is a complete different taste than I get from it.
    The banana is a stronger taste than the one from Dekang, that is good but I would like it a bit smoother like the one from Dekang without the smell on the exhale. Does that make any sense?
    Strawberry shisha is good, nothing really better to say about it.
    I still have rum grapes ice cream that I didn't try.
    OMG I forgot one, Mocha Coffee Latte, this really tastes like very strong coffee! If you like strong coffee this will be great for you, I still have to try this out more in the morning. It made me run to the restroom like after I drink my first cup of coffee. Did I really write this?:rolling laugh::beer:
  13. oil

    oil Custom What?

    Dec 24, 2013
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    yeah most of the SHISHA ones i tried are very good

    - - - Updated - - -

    btw, might be wrong thread here,

    most of my self made juice mixes are now steeped for quite some time,
    i had flavors from CP, Capella, TPA, and on the recommneded mixing which came with each of them it really smelled only like it but didnt had the taste, so i had to put more flavor inside
    as for the CP ones, they didnt come with a recommendation so i used 10% but added all now to 20% and let them steep longer
    as for TPA and Capella they where recommended with 6% and i added them now up to 15% and will see the next weeks.

    Hoever if it needs 20% of the flavor to get some good vape together then self mixing juices makes barely sense imho

    though, my MTB juices which are steeping atm, are pretty good at the recommended dosage

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