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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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E-CIG EXPLOSIONS!!! - What The News Doesn't Tell You

Discussion in 'Youtube Vaping Videos' started by -V-, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    And so should cars that go faster than 100 km/h (too dangerous to drive faster)...and alcohol (bad for your health)...and cigarettes...and having children without proper genetic planning...and...and...and...

    Where does it end?Are the regulated mods going to be regulated? Is the type of chip regulated? What about the type of battery? The type of switch? What about the hybrid box mods? What about the wattage? How much regulation and banning do you want?

    farangmick, Konvict and Siam Diesel like this.
  2. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Absolutely nothing...over here, at least, there are no vape shops to provide any education. When first starting out, we had to read and educate ourselves...I spent hours on ECF and other forums. I wouldn't recommend a mech mod to a new vaper...hell, I didn't consider one for myself until I'd been vaping for over a year...by definition, they're only for vapers who know what they're doing. If all you want to do is stop smoking stinkies, they're just not necessary.

    Is it possible to stop noobs from buying them...maybe...but I'm not a nanny-state fan so it's my opinion that people should be responsible for themselves. If you buy a mech mod and blow yourself up because you didn't know what you were doing, it's too bad but it's on you, not the store, your parents, the government or anyone else to whom you'd like to point the finger of blame.

    Just my 2 setangs worth...
    :vaping: :vaping:
  3. Tokay

    Tokay Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Banning unregulated mods won't work. Alcohol prohibition didn't work, drug prohibition is a disaster. I'm under the impression it is both the store's fault and a personal fault. Store because many people selling vape gear don't have a clue about what they're selling/give misleading info.

    Personal because its easy enough to buy a mech mod/battery/wire online without having a clue how it works and the dangers. Many shops advise customers mech mods are not for beginners yet others don't. All it really takes is 20 mins or so of research to know the basics and not blow yourself up, this is why I think its a personal fault too.

    As a real life example of the two put together; I was recommended a certain battery from an online retailer here because it was the most expensive one on the site and had the highest mAh. I didn't understand batteries so I bought it and stuck it in my regulated mod. After a week or 2, I started having problems and assumed my mod was acting up, but only with this certain battery. So I assumed it needed to be re-wrapped, which I did and still no luck so I stopped using it. Later on after doing a bit of research I found out the battery had a maximum continuous discharge current of only 6.7A. I can't remember exactly what builds I was using but I'm sure I had used 0.2Ohm builds a few times. That's 21A, or more than 200% the recommended max discharge. Whilst I cursed my VTC mini for not working during that time, I now realise it might have just saved my face. This battery is simply not suitable for subohm vaping or at least not below 0.7Ohms. The fault was both the retailer's for not knowing what he was selling and mine for not doing proper research.
    farangmick, jpr, Konvict and 2 others like this.
  4. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    A lively discussion... :D

    But at the end of the day, you cannot protect people from themselves, try as you might... ;)
    farangmick, jpr, Konvict and 2 others like this.
  5. nicotinelove

    nicotinelove Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Ok feel as much sorry as u want(it hurts?).jesus wept..I don't know but that label of yours my friend is a global bullshit.FACT:WHICH MODS EXPLODE?MECHS!!!!And if my world consists of telling people what not to do then your world consists exactly the opposite.to tell people what to do.
    Debated use why you and your other stuff members (Veery comfortable logic Siam Diesel)make a classroom and teach people about MECHS?Cos you remind me of wasted hours back in school which I always wanted to avoid.so make a classroom and educate people..........LOL
  6. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Actually, I help educate people so that they can make their own choices. And I do tell beginners not to start with mechs.
    I believe in choice
  7. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    It's one thing to tell people not to use mech mods until they know what they're doing but it's another thing completely to take them away from everyone because a few are too stupid to learn how to use them properly...

    I'm fully in favor of the former...completely against the latter.

    People need to be responsible for themselves, and it sh*t happens, then it's on them.
    :vaping: :vaping:
  8. Tokay

    Tokay Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Actually, there have been a few cases of regulated mods exploding.. all it takes is a small tear in the battery to come into contact with a piece of metal. Over stressing batteries isn't the only way to cause a problem.

    EDIT: Also using crappy batteries and batteries not fit for vaping of which there are quite a few 18650s out there like the one I mentioned. Just because a mod is regulated doesn't mean it won't blow up.

    MORE EDIT: Here it is, been looking for this one for a while. Funnily enough found it in another EC forum which linked the original TV post; Update on the "exploding" Cuboid mod in Denmark. | Thailand Vapers
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
    debatedude and Siam Diesel like this.
  9. nicotinelove

    nicotinelove Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    C Mon take away from everyone?Guns supposed to be taken away but they are all over.They will not be extinguished.they will just won't be so approachable to the general crowd.This way will protect the vape communities from another black sting.cheers debate!(better)....Tokay if you think 1 or 2 incidents (cuboid?Does that ring a bell?Well the ones who know it should)are worth to mention then go ahead.i will go find snow in the dessert....lolololo
  10. Tokay

    Tokay Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    1 or 2 incidents is enough to debunk your previous statement of "FACT: WHICH MODS EXPLODE?MECHS!!!!" statement made earlier. A fact is not a fact if it can be disproved. Anyone with a shred of electrical or battery knowledge knows that a short circuit can occur if an exposed battery cell comes into contact with bare metal. Short circuiting batteries don't care whether the mod they're in is mechanical or regulated.

    Same way a gun can shoot your d**k off if you stick it in your pants without the safety. Does it mean that guns should be taken away from everyone? Absolutely not. Just because a few idiots blew their gentlemen's bits off, doesn't mean everyone will. However I feel this is futile as you clearly stated that "guns supposed to be taken away". No they should definitely not be. When you take something away you're taking it away from law abiding citizens and putting it into the hands of criminals, the same with drugs. Drug prohibition is a joke, if someone wants to get high they will. They just need to buy from a dealer instead of a licensed distributor. Same with guns. Same with mech mods, same with anything. If you take something off the market you're creating an unregulated black market. People will still get their hands on the stuff, just in different ways.
    farangmick, jpr, debatedude and 2 others like this.
  11. nicotinelove

    nicotinelove Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    I dont understand..U are trying to debank me?If this is a personal matter I don't see any reason why we even discuss about it.which mods explode MOST?Black market?Sorry?U must be joking right?Have you seen the 15 and 16 years old what they do?They buy MECHS and fire them without knowing shit.you think they want to be educated or they just want sth fancy ?Have you got any idea what this will do is doing to the vape 'world'?Now your theories are respected but they are just this..Theories.so when the next kid blows up his mech and his face u come and rewrite them down...
  12. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    OK gentlemen...this isn't a chat room. Let's use complete words...full sentences, spaces, etc. I feel like I'm trying to read ee cummings. ;)

    And if this thread doesn't seem to be going anywhere (as it isn't at the moment), it may be closed.
  13. Tokay

    Tokay Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2016
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    When did I state any theories? Yes, it is a FACT (look it up) that anything made illegal creates a black market. It is also a FACT that a battery can short circuit when the exposed cell touches bare metal. Don't believe me? Take your battery out of your regulated mod, remove the wrap, stick it back in, put the metal cover back on and see what happens.

    During alcohol prohibition a black market for alcohol was created. During drug prohibition, a black market for drugs exists. Ivory trade made illegal - black market. Trading of exotic furs? Black market. Just because something is made illegal doesn't stop people from doing it. If you think black markets are theories, I heard there's an interesting TV program called the News that sometimes mentions these.

    Now you mentioned 16 year olds. This is a whole different ballpark and doesn't really have anything to do with the video or the issue. 16 year olds aren't meant to be able to buy any type of mod but they clearly got their hands on one. That in itself means there's a black market for vaping. If you disagree, look up the definition of black market.

    If you ban mechs, they'll just do stupid crap with regulated devices. On that note, They're also not meant to purchase or drink alcohol. So what you said is the equivalent of banning vodka because 16 year olds drink it without knowing the effects and bad stuff happens. Banning alcohol didn't work as history has taught us. Mentioning the vaping 'world' do you have any idea how happy it will make anti-vaping activists if a product gets banned because its deemed harmful??

    A total ban on mech mods is not the solution I'm sorry. Personally, if these were banned I'd build my own.

    EDIT: Also if you think the concept of a vaping black market is ridiculous; If you've bought a mod or anything vape related in Thailand then you have actively participated in a black market purchase ;)
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  14. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    farangmick, jpr, Konvict and 2 others like this.
  15. nicotinelove

    nicotinelove Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Ok so build your own my friend (debate u follow) cos Its getting boring.doesnt have to do with anything?Wtf?It has to do everything with it.fact is that the MECHS explode and they are on the news destroying the vape concept.now if u want to make more theories that u called facts then go ahead.tell us more about your activists (and who gives a s*** if they will be happy.i will be happy if I don't see anymore blown faces in the news and people saying vaping is bad.take my regulated mod and put the unwrapped battery to see?Look at your own words.they are full with only one thing!They are trying to support sth that it is false.FACT real fact cos the ones u mentioned are from the encyclopedia is this:blown faces from MECH mods...Activists if they are happy..How disgusting this phrase is?

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