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Hana DNA30 clone - scary burn out !

Discussion in 'Vaping Technical Issues' started by BuzzSamui, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    anyone got a picture of the revised Hana DNA30's with the now 'smaller in diameter' 510 centre pin ?

    I'm now starting to think this might have been the problem using it with the Kanger Aerotank Mega after reading those links you posted Morph ...
  2. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    That looks like the old (wider) 510 connection to me.

    As for your warranty, good luck with that. Maybe they'll honour it, but I think that info sheet that comes with the clone is basically just a photocopy of the one that comes with the real Hana. Can't confirm that - think I just read it somewhere. PattsVaper had Big contact Cloupor about his, and it seemed that sending it back for repair would have been too costly to be worth it. So maybe they do have some kind of policy - who knows if it will be of any help though.

    Keep you eye on your other one (I'm sure you are). And thanks for the heads up about this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Top of this page has a comparison pic of the 510 pins:

    Updates for the Cana Mod DNA 30 Clone.
  3. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Left is the smaller newer one right is the older big one:

    Screen Shot 2557-07-16 at 11.17.05 PM.jpg

    Updates for the Cana Mod DNA 30 Clone.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
  4. mash

    mash zZz

    Feb 10, 2013
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    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
  5. smithereens

    smithereens Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    I don't have electronics experience, but I can't help but doubt it's the aerotank issue if you were vaping on it 20 minutes prior, and then left it sitting idle. How can it just short out sitting idle like that? Maybe when you set it down, something shifted and caused the aerotank to create a shorted connection, but would that take 20 minutes to heat up? I was under the impression this scenario would create heat extremely quickly.
  6. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    it just probably took a while for the chip to slowly f..k-up & then bingo it blew, and started to heat & burn out ...

    So, much for short circuit protection eh !

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks Mashy & Morph for posting those pics & link ... I definitely have the older, larger diameter version.

    :thank you:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Spot on Scratchy, I did have to take that pic at a bit of an angle due to nite lighting (flash etc...) - so it IS larger than that pic of mine shows ... have pointed this out to Micky and hoping like hell he/Clouper come good with the warranty !

    A replacement would be perfect (and justified I reckon too, seeing as though I bought the Aerotank Mega off Micky as well)

    Micky has a new lot of Hana DNA30 clones coming in soon, and apparently they are V3, so the smaller diameter one's I HOPE !

    fingers & toes crossed now...

  7. OnkelMicha

    OnkelMicha New Member

    May 18, 2014
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    I'm seriously considering putting my clone in the graveyeard. I have had all those other issues as everyone else but know its becoming a serious health hazard.| think its time to order me some nice copper mod and some new rda's.
  8. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Last night i took out my battery before going to bed, first time i've ever done that. Don't see me doing that everytime i have to leave it unattended. Looks like it's time to spend a little more money on something which isn't a clone board....
  9. PattsVaper

    PattsVaper Thailand Vapers Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I think expecting a Clone Company to honor a Warranty is an oxymoron, a real Manufacturer has a reputation to maintain. Like buying something that fell off the back of a truck and thinking your purchase will be covered by a Warranty. lol

    Buzzsamui, I had my Hana for less than 3 weeks. We can't blame our Thai vendors for defective clone products and their useless warranties. I think the last part of the warranty "use at your own risk" should really read "purchase at your own risk."
    :rolling laugh:
  10. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    I do agree with that...
  11. CABBA

    CABBA Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I purchased a Hana clone from FT with a knock off DNA20 installed. I vaped it for an hour and I could tell something was wrong. Ohm reading was off, intermittent buzzing noise, power setting seemed inaccurate. I'm happy that I returned it and bought a VaporShark especially after hearing stories like this. Scary stuff.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    Micky emailed me first thing this morning.

    Replacement V3 Hana DNA30 as soon as his stock comes in.
    He had been in contact with Clouper and they honored the warranty virtually straight away (I had to send pics and links about the problem etc...)
    Sent the burnt-out one back to him today ...

    Pretty happy with that service (how could I complain?) - thanks Micky & Clouper !


    I really think, as per the links Vapem. and other guys posted (many tks guys), Clouper only realized that they had a prob with the larger diameter connection pin when using with the Kanger tanks after reports came in ...
    (Aerotank & Protank3's I think, because they do have a flush connector - don't know about the other Kanger tanks) ... anyways, they brought out a V3 to correct this particular prob.

    Haven't been able to find out anywhere else about the Hana clones having probs with any other tanks ...

    Been vaping with my Kayfun 3.1 tonite (and Nautlilus during today) on my first Hana DNA30 clone V2, and no probs at all ...

    I musty admit, I double checked the connector pin on both of those tanks was sticking out a bit before using. And when I went out for dinner, was almost paranoid about leaving the Kayfun on top of the DNA clone - was so tempted to take it off, but thought I'd risk it, and left it sitting in the middle of my tiled lounge-room floor just to be safe. Came home just now, and it's fine.

    Mine only burnt out when I left the Aerotank Mega on top ... pretty sure now, IF no tank is left overnite on top, you are pretty safe ... just a BIG caution about these clones and the Kanga Tanks with flush connecting pins.

    Also, would like to add, I bought the Kanger Aerotank and Hana clone off Micky at the same time, so maybe that is the reason I was granted immediate warranty.

    All the same, I am & will continue to keep a close watch on my V2 Hana clone (& the V3 when I get it), just to be sure ... it WAS a pretty scary experience fa sure.


    PS: I have always experienced here (19 years), that a warranty is usually not worth the paper it's written on, but was lucky in this case (tks to Micky's efforts)
  13. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Thanks for the update, and once again Micky has shown the Thai E Vape community he has support for his customers...
  14. BadWingman

    BadWingman Newbie

    May 31, 2013
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    So you can possibly vape an aero tank with no problems (or did you have problems normally?)

    But an unattended mod will self fire with no shut down or with protection or if it's not actually firing then the chip will burn itself just because it has an atty attached.

    Fire proof bag for this. No actually keep it in the cup holder on your bike and ping it at the soi dog that has been harassing you.
  15. BuzzSamui

    BuzzSamui Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    Yeah Vape, pretty stoked this morning when Micky said he'd replace the burnt out V2 with a V3 when he gets 'em in ... fingers crossed now !
    As I said, NO WAY I can complain about service from Micky so far - will be very happy when I DO receive the V3, just the same ...


    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah, thats the strange thing Dieter I WAS vaping with the Aerotank Mega on the Hana DNA30 for a couple of weeks - actually, it was becoming my favourite combo - good flavour and decent cloud.
    Then i don't know what happened - maybe the connector pin on the Mega got pressed in completely flat/flush after a while and that's when the problem occurred ? ... who knows.

    Still, I would not now say .... "you can possibly vape an aero tank with no problems" ... I DON'T think it's safe at all with the V2 Hana Modz DNA30 clone.

    MAYBE, with the version 3 when it comes, but even then I will still be hesitant, as the Mega will still be a flush connector pin set-up ... (really, with the V3 smaller diameter pin, it shouldn't be a prob - but don't know yet if I'm willing to risk it - have to wait and see I s'pose)

    I'd say, an unattended DNA30 V2 WITHOUT a Kanger atty attached should be fine ...

    can't be a 100% sure on this, but left my first DNA30 V2 tonite with the Kayfun attached and no probs (and all today, had the Nautilus on it) - was watching it very carefully tho - had the back cover off, just in case i had to rip the battery out quickly too ...


    - - - Updated - - -

    "Fire proof bag for this. No actually keep it in the cup holder on your bike and ping it at the soi dog that has been harassing you."

    hahaha ... at first, when it started to burn out, I did almost throw it out the window & I'm 2 floors up ! I didn't know at the time IF they could blow-up or not - scary - but, I took the risk and got the back cover off and prized the battery out with a screwdriver as quickly as possible ... as i said before, have damaged the plastic coating on that Sony VCT5

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