1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Malaysia: New Ruling

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by ckapp, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Yup and the article says absolutely ZERO about tobacco sales. ZERO. Can you smell the cash in this one? And the nonsense about the "costs to the people and the healthcare system" regarding vaping? Hahahaha... Ignorance and cash flow. Biz as usual.
    Funnier still - the comment I posted didn't get posted. Why am i not surprised?
    Siam Diesel and a_spirit like this.
  2. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    ^Reading the comments on that article - is Malaysia full of sheep? Those idiots have no idea what they are talking about.
    Siam Diesel, ckapp and a_spirit like this.
  3. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    So, both comments I posted speaking the very same thing in extremely polite and respectful terms have been immediately removed from The Malaysian Insider. Guess I can speak more freely here. So when I say I agree with you completely, it also includes the vision of them having their heads buried so far up their own asses as to be unable to see the light of day and if they hit a bump, they might just disappear.

    The revenues from not only the taxation of tobacco, but the assured pay-outs from the tobacco industries to the government officials certainly must add fuel to the BS Fire as is also certainly to be the case in the USA. No matter... It'll just drive business underground, like heroin. Then, one day, just like what happened in California with weed, they'll awaken (maybe) to the fact of the lost tax revenue and legalize and tax the much more innocuous vaping goodies (sigh) again.

    I won't press on here in MY as I don't want to get deported and/or unwelcome to return. I don't care about Johor anyway. Up here in the state of Kelantan, as with Kuala Lumpur, everything back to being just peachy-keen. All the shops are back in business, new shops in Kota Bharu are springing up like McDonald's everywhere and the competition is driving the prices of everything way down. A new IPV D2 with the just-released D3 on it's way? $35.00USD (MR150). I give them away as gifts to my friends who don't have their own mods.

    Like your attitude, debatedude! Shared in its entirety :) However, Johor is an isolated case and the uproar from the more intelligent Malay populace shut down the two week governmental shitstorm in KL, KB and in many other places, so it's a bit unfair to over-generalize here. Many Malay honor their Sultans with great reverence as a result of their culture, so I take it all with a grain of salt. While the situation in and of itself is obviously ridiculous, there is merit in their convictions, if however ill-informed. Tread lightly and carry a big stick...
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  4. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Nicotine as safe as coffee? Yippee - neither's gonna kill me, and I love both :)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015

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