1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

Need Help in Bangkok

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vaping Newbies' started by David in Bangkok, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Rowdy

    Rowdy Old broken down Vaper

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Rayong Thailand
    David the 2600 battery should last at least all day.

    Get rid of the cigs mate they stink. I was a heavy smoker for over 50 years and I never thought I would say that.

    Happy vaping & Happy new year.:vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::congratulations:
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  2. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    You're right the battery is huge, I used to use batteries at something like 300mah? I forgot, but this battery is amazing.

    I am pretty confident quitting the cigs will be easy, the one issue is the ecig just needs to be reliable (i.e. I won't be vaping in middle of the day and have it stop working). But the advice on here was great, I think the clearomizers seem to be extremely well built as well, I am determined to only smoke the ecigs!

    I really think my smoking addiction is more habit than nicotine. While I do crave nicotine, I think the habit of smoking is what I am addicted to much more, and I know it can be replaced by vaping. I am only on 6mg nicotine juice and while I don't think I'm getting my fill of nicotine and need to buy more juice, it still helps my cravings immensely to just vape for a while.
  3. Konvict

    Konvict ProVari Moderator

    May 2, 2014
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    The Land of Unhappy Vapers
    Just for your information.

    When I just started vaping I made these four mistakes and learned the hard way.
    I didn't have a back up device and had to buy a pack of ...
    I didn't have enough juice and had to buy a pack of ...
    I started on 6 mg which was too low for me and had to buy a pack of ...
    I didn't have any spare coils left and...

    Please have a back up, nothing feels good if you are running out or too low on something!
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  4. Anbessa

    Anbessa Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Nah mate, you don't smoke egics(does your device lock even close to a cigarette now?) you are Vaping :vaping:PV's(personal Vaporizers) now:very good:

    That is quite true and while getting of cigarettes you should at least Vape on 18 mg or 12 mg if you have the time and peace to Vape whenever you want.

    Oh how much i love the fact of taking out my PV while on the road and have a Vape/ a toot or 2 while leaving the car(no i don't Vape while driving-to dangerous because of the clouds obstructing the vision:rolling laugh:) or a store,at the street or were smokers gather and but it back in my bag knowing i can hit it again and again.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  5. David in Bangkok

    David in Bangkok Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Haha sorry about the terminology, but in my head I'm trying to fool myself into thinking I am smoking. So as long as I feel like I'm getting my smoking addiction in, I am perfectly happy! :)

    I have been through this once and so I do know a little bit about my habits which makes things a little easier.
    I like a big battery and low nic juice (12mg is ok, 18mg is even a little high). I just vape too much, I guess I really like it and can't help it! But I don't really like too much nic, so I tend to use low nic juices and just use it a lot if I have plenty of time to vape (which right now I do). If I have to take short vape breaks, then I can use a higher nic level but I guess I am just sensitive to too much nic?
    You're 100% right, this is something that was VERY difficult in 2010 (I must have had 5+ batteries and countless cartomizers, I had to keep 2 cartomizers and liquid with me always!). Now I am so shocked at how much easier it is! I got a few clearomizers but no extra coils, I am pretty mechanically stupid, I am not looking forward to changing coils, but I think I also have it much easier than in 2010 because there are actually stores (vs. only online shops or stores that sold the commercially made expensive crap vapes).

    I now have the 2600mah battery, a 650mah batter that will fit it, and one copy ego that I would use if it was an emergency but I'd rather throw out my window. I also got one clearomizer with the battery and got 3 extra, I am determined!!!!!
    I do have one question if anyone has any tips.
    Is there a good post somewhere that explains VV/VW? I just have never used one, and I am unsure of the how it works. I know usually it is used to give more vapor/throat hit, but it seems like there are also issues of ruining the atomizer if you are not careful, so I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I start playing with it.

    This is unnecessary in getting me to quit, but I guess since I have the option, I should look into it and find what setting I like best, I just don't know where to start....

    I have read around, I have seen the ranges for the voltage/wattage for the different ohms, but if my battery is VW/VV do I only choose one to vary or do you change both? And I am assuming the higher setting gives more throat hit/vapor (and runs the battery quicker) and the lower gives less? But I am thinking there is much more to it than that but I was having trouble finding something geared to a clueless newbie....
    Rowdy and Konvict like this.
  6. lordofthedread

    lordofthedread Professional Lurker

    Aug 11, 2014
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    Pretty simple, a VV/VW mod will allow you to change the voltage or wattage applied to the coil, most of the time you do that according to the resistance of your atomizer (coil) and taste.
    A low resistance coil will need higher wattage to apply the same voltage to the coil (you can actually check what power is needed to apply a specific current to a specific resistance in one of the various ohm's law calculators online, here is a link : Ohm's Law Calculator

    A regular battery gives 4.2 volts at full charge and will slowly decrease with use.

    A VV/VW mod or battery can allow you to keep always the same current to the coil, no matter the state of the battery, vapers use to call them regulated devices.

    When you change the voltage, the wattage is changing accordingly, you can't change one and not the other, you just have to choose wich option works best for you.

    The higher your resistance is, and/or the higher power you send to the coil, the faster your battery will discharge.

    If you are starting vaping and you want to step up to a VV/VW mod you should really consider buyin an iStick, plenty of power for a decent price, Big have them in stock on this forum, as for tanks this is really hard to give you the best option, seems the Nautilus Mini from Aspire is one of the best option available if you don't plan to rebuild or go sub-ohm (Big have them in stock too).

    If you are more on a budget vape you can get a VV battery and a cheap clearo but I would really consider spending a little bit more money at first to get something that works and you don't feel frustrated with.

    Hope that answers some of your questions, happy vaping !

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