1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
    Are you looking to get started or an old hand at vaping? Everyone is welcome here so sign up today and talk vaping with us!

PG/VG and Nic (posts split from VM Thread)

Discussion in 'General Thailand E-Liquid Discussion' started by v 4 vendetta, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Lotta

    Lotta Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    OK, seriously, no more Pbusardo for me. And tell those damn kids to stay out of my yard.
    Mack likes this.
  2. v 4 vendetta
    No Mood

    v 4 vendetta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2015
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    Maybe why ELiquid producers like Suicide Bunny never reveal their PG/VG ratios

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