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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Steam Crave RDTA/Velocity

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by ckapp, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Mine arrived the other day, haven't used it yet though.
  2. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Could Be Anywhere
    Dude! Seriously??? Get ready for a bit of a learning curve. Once you nail it, you'll never look back... Take your time with your builds, make sure the building deck is evenly covered with cotton, but don't over-pack it as to restrict juice flow. Be prepared to have it leak like a sieve in the beginning... and try again... It took a few tries for me, but now I can rebuild it in my sleep without leakage.

    Best wishes and good luck! She's the BOMB!
  3. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    When the tank is tightened fully the airhole doesn't even line up with the coil. I have to loosen the tank 1/8th of a turn; Hope it doesn't leak.
    What's the point of a velocity deck if you need to position the coils to the left?

    Also, mine didn't come with both decks, as I expected.

    *after watching a review I see mine is how it should be, not a fan of that tbh. I'll see what it vapes like when my batteries have charged.
  4. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Unfortunately a well known thing about the tank. Not all copies...1 of 2 of mine is that way and while I don't like it, it's a breeze to take care of with a slight twist of the upper section of the tank. No leaking whatsoever as a result. I build my coils straight on with the velocity. I don't cheat them to either side.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ckapp and Rick O-Shea like this.
  5. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Just a little addition: Busardo made it very clear in his review on the RDTA/V that there was no indexing to assure the accurate and/or alignment of the binding posts with the AFC holes. Certainly, it would just be a simple matter of modifying the CNC instructions to fix this during manufacturing when the decks are milled and would be a good thing to bring up with SC. They love receiving feedback and ideas to help them improve their products. Of this, I am certain through my several engaging interactions with SC.

    I've now played with many builds with the Velocity and the one I always come back to is a single vertical coil mounted dead center between the two posts. It takes a bit of finesse to bend the leads to get it to line up correctly/perfectly and without a chance of creating a short, but once accomplished, there is no variance of airflow from any of the AFC holes with either the two or four hole AFC bands. Height-wise, using a dual strand twist of any 28g wire, 6 wraps for a spaced coil is ideal as the height of the coil leads align perfectly with the mounting holes. Single strand? 10 or so...

    Wicking the vertically mounted coil requires some fine-point tweezers to pull it down through the coil far enough to have sufficient wicking to fill the deck. You could also mount and fine tune the alignment of the coil, then dis-mount it to wick it and re-install, which I did in the beginning until I bought a killer pair of tweezers that allow me to get the wicking sorted with the coil mounted in situ.

    Horizontal builds, in my experiences, present the most challenging air flow restrictions unless you're using contact coils, then, it's much less of an issue as the width decreases considerably. Still, I don't build those for the Velocity any longer.
  6. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    There is an RDTA thread at ecf in which some have discussed a fix. Lightly sanding down one part of the device. Even though it's said to work well I'm ok with the slight rotation of tank method

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    ckapp likes this.
  7. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    The flavour off my aromamizer is pretty muted. I built a dual vertical coil with 7 wraps of 24g.
    No leaks no dry hits should mean I'm wicking it right.
    Am I doing something else wrong?
    I can see my coils in two of the airflow holes while the other two I see the sides of the velocity posts. I normally use the afc band with two holes.
  8. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Did you try horizontal coils cheating them to as far to the outside of the deck and as close to airholes as possible without causing a short? I tried verts but prefer horizontal coils in this atty. Only time I improved flavor (it was already very good but slightly muted from previous builds) was by very slightly raising them so that just about the bottom edge of the coil is dead center with the horizontal center of the air hole...maybe just a touch lower than that. This way I have the air hitting and concentrated mostly on the bottom 3/4 of the coil.

    I also make sure I have good gaps of space directly under the coils and do not let the cotton tails lay/sit closely under them thus interfering with the airflow. YMMV.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  9. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Thanks @Scratchy
    So that means that the wicks should be long enough to touch the deck over the two juice holes and not too long that it bends and creep under the horizontal coil?

  10. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I split the difference. Long enough to reach the deck and have some of the very end of the tails extending over and laying on to the very center bottom of the deck...right in the middle of the posts and between the 2 coils and tamped down very lightly so it also doesn't interfere with airflow by way of bending under the coil or being too bushy in the center between the two coils.

    I also push outward the inner part of the wick sections that are draping down right off the ends of the coils so that they make as large of a gap as possible right below the coil...creates almost a bow-legged look but without getting to the point where they may make the outer edges of the same wick sections extend out past the edges of the diameter of the deck edge. I hope this makes sense. If not I'll post a pic on my next re-wick. :)
    Siam Diesel, ckapp and haybilly like this.
  11. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Makes sense! Thanks.. I'll post an update once I try out your method
  12. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Just to add to the fun; I was asked about a comment I made on SC's FB page regarding a simple approach to a leak-less build and may add to @Scratchy's wisdom as well. Certainly, if you are new to the RDTA/Velocity, this intro to wicking may help you to avoid soaking your jeans in juice when you give it your first go. Experienced builders will pass out from boredom, so again... could be cool for an RDTA/V newbie.
    haybilly and Siam Diesel like this.
  13. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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  14. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Can't see your images...hot linking images doesn't work here.
    Use the "Upload a File" button...

  15. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Possibly, but some devices just aren't meant to be.

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