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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Steam Crave RDTA/Velocity

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by ckapp, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Yes, I can't see the images, either.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
    I would like to see them, especially if they are of a nice, simple, horizontal, single coil build on the Aromamizer, that works and doesn't leak.
    The video above from Ckapp is great but, if a horizontal build is possible that's the one I prefer, personally. I've yet to find the spare time to play with this tank, it's still sitting with the Flash-E-Vape, both waiting for me to find an hour to spare. (And, in the case of the Flash,a source of stainless steel mesh, something I've never needed before)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. Moog
    No Mood

    Moog Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2015
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    My first Kanthal build wasn't that strong on flavour (wasn't bad though), but when I changed to dual ss304 flavour became outstanding. Tried vertical as well but now stuck on horizontal dual coils awg26. The verticals always had a coloration after some puffs. Hope the 2 pics can help...

    A1.JPG A2.JPG

    Height of the coil (middle) = center airhole
  3. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    ..can't seem to upload a file on my phone.. Will do when I am at my computer
  4. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Thank you, FredL it was fun making it. Nice pics of your horizontal coiling as well!

    It's a funny thing, this vaping business... As I have said many, many times; it's an entirely individualistic hobby/passion/addiction and a 'hands-on' fiddle-fest of small tools, creativity, experimentation, etc. And just like self-evolution and development, no one can tell you how to do it "right" for yourself. The one most common thread throughout vaping is the leaning away from smoking cigarettes, smoking less or quitting completely with a mod in hand as a replacement.

    Beyond that, finding one's niche or sense of "got it" cannot be handed to us. Nor can anyone say which mod is going to work the best, which RTA/RDA/RDTA is going to be like Neo - The One. Coming from a piece of sh*t pen collection, through the Kanger saga and into proper box mods and tanks, it's been a long ride with quite a few $$$'s involved. I swore when I found the Smok TFV4's that the Grail Quest had finally ended. I had 4 complete set-ups with a handful of TF-R1 and TF-R2 decks built in numerous configurations back in the Ni200 days.

    Swore that that was it until I started learning about the SC/RDTA/V and bought 2 6's and 2 3's. Then, Ti came into the picture, thanks to V's Ti thread. Still running everything primarily on the VT40. Then I read about the VT200, but my shop only had the VTbox200 and bought one. Sold it 4 days later and scored a VT200. Then came the SX Mini M. Then came the SX Mini ML and damn if the VT25 just doesn't rock my boat after owning, giving away and buying yet another IPV D2.

    Forgive me if this is too philosophical, but it is only ourselves who can make the journey to find the resonance or harmony with vaping, kit and juices. It really take willingness to buy and try, sell if needed, buy and try again. Odd as it may seem, with so many pre-made exotic wires now available, that single Ti coil on the RDTA with the split wick just nails it - for me. Been vaping on the VT200 since about 0700 this morning and still showing 2/3 on the battery indicator and it's still hitting like freakin' beautiful.

    Aside from the build, regardless of atty, juice is a very subjective subject (poor english?). I find that many of the juices I buy need cooking time. By this I mean that I'll buy 4-5 bottles of something I like, empty them in to a sterilized glass jar (or jars if I'm mixing batches) and place the jars with the lids off in a bucket and fill the bucket with hot water from a kettle just high enough to match the level of juice in the jars and let them steep. I repeat this heating/cooling/breathing process 3 times, which takes a day, then put the lids back on, shake like a madman and then let them sit for two or three days with the lids tightly closed. Aside from my humble single Ti build, this is the other major shift in the pleasure I get from vaping - a finished juice or a cocktail of 2 or 3 that compliment each other and treated as stated above.

    So; long story made short: It doesn't just happen on its own and find one's own definition of "perfect" is a hard-won victory that doesn't come from a video or a popular reviewer. Stick with it, experiment relentlessly and you'll nail it for your Self.
    Scratchy likes this.
  5. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Sorry for some of the less than optimal pics. Shows what my normal build on RDTA is like. Note I touched the coils downward just a hair as I looked through the air holes and saw that after lining up air holes to coils, only the bottom half of the coil (at most) was showing and I wanted a little more coverage than that. Also quick adjusted two coil wraps that were just a little too close to each other.

    Dual coil, Ti 26 ga, with Watsons Organic.

    IMG_3740.jpg IMG_3744.jpg IMG_3747.jpg IMG_3748.jpg IMG_3749.jpg
    Siam Diesel, ckapp and Moog like this.
  6. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    That's a really clean looking build, Scratchy.

    Very nice indeed. 26g, huh? Been using 28g, but maybe I'll have to give your config a try when I re-order wire. I stuck with the 28g because I was twisting 2 strands for more surface area, but ultimately found it to kill batteries faster with little other benefit, vape-wise.

    What size pin are you coiling with in the photos? Did to twist the wire first with a drill to get the wire to be more compliant first? Thanks!
  7. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Thanks! I was disappointed with the coils. I usually have them more uniform and all the legs more even in length. Sorta slapped that one together.

    BTW, the setup was on the 3ml RDTA I bought from Rick and found that it's hole alignment was worse than both of my 6ml tanks, one of which is dead-on center. Not a big deal and easily adjusted but thought it worth mentioning.

    Yes, I have only used 26 ga for dual coil and I've not yet felt the need to do any annealing/twisting to make the wire easier to work with. I do an extra tug and rotation of coil legs as a last step to tighten things up some and it's worked well.

    Oh and the coils shown are 2.5 mm id
    ckapp likes this.
  8. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Gee... I didn't see much to be disappointed with, Scratchy... Oh well, I know perfectionism all too well also; there's always room to improve somewhere. It does look like the coil on the right side in the first pic is precariously close to the proverbial "edge" as in shorts-ville, but that could be due to the camera being slightly to the left of center, and skewing the image/perspective slightly. Still looks nice anyway. I'd be pleased enough to stuff it with cotton and hit it.

    Ok, so 26g Ti and 2.5mm wraps. I'll give it a whirl when I get some and see how it goes. Oddly, regarding the hole alignment as you pointed out, I never either looked closely enough or it never stuck out as being off enough on any of my decks to cause me to notice. Hmm. I'll check that when I twist up another coil or wick. Thanks for the info!

    BTW: Is everyone aware that Steam Crave has a FB page with lots of users, builds, coil porn pix, tips, tricks, etc.? FWI: It's been switched to "secret" presently as they did a holiday give-away and didn't want to become inundated with people who were just in it for the swag. It will change status when the contests ends.

  9. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Hey Scratchy, I owe you a big thanks for the 26g Ti wire idea. Oddly, I've grown so accustomed to using 28g because that's what's commonly available nearly everywhere. But I asked about it when at Legadgets last night while fooling around with the ML's and my Ti setting issue.

    So... I bought some 26g Ti and I must say - it certainly takes the whole Ti experience up a notch or two. Just did a 7 wrap 2.5mm horizontal single on my Velocity mounted in the top holes and between the posts. The vape is nice and warm, using the 2 hole band, the flavor is divine, used what I considered the least amount of cotton for proper wicking and no leakage and the result? Wonderful. Clean & smooth with my double apple/apple crumble mix. De-Lish :) Getting a 0.27Ω reading on my mod and all is good.

    Excellent improvement and will certainly give your twin coil set up a try as well.

    Happy new year to you and everyone here! 2016 - here we come...
    Scratchy likes this.
  10. ckapp

    ckapp Thread Starter Smile!

    Oct 18, 2015
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    And also: The 26g Ti is far less fussy to coil than the 28g. Like you said, no annealing or drill-twisting to get it to behave on the coiling pin. Easy as Kanthal to wind. And, like you said, I just use a pair of needle nose pliers and tug on both leads slightly to tighten up the coils. Perfectly happy with this.

    Thanks again!
    Scratchy likes this.
  11. BKKPOO

    BKKPOO Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    I cut the tips off the top of both my rdtas using a hacksaw and sandpaper. Looks much better IMO

    Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 12.21.10 PM.png
    Rick O-Shea, Scratchy and Siam Diesel like this.
  12. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    I'm surprised that the d/t's are not removable...seems a bit daft to me in this day & age.
  13. Jared S

    Jared S Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    The drip tip part is removable. What BKKPOO cut off was the shaft that stick up from the top of the tank that connect to the drip tip that make it look unnecessarily long and unpleasant to look at.

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  14. Jared S

    Jared S Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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  15. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    On my second tank in a 6ml RDTA. Got it today. Unbelievable. Dual Ss316L 0.36r horizontal. Vapor/flavor for days on a VT200 at 530 F.

    I was settled with my tanks until I went to TC and found that they couldn't QUITE give me the nic hit I needed. Now? Well I have to replace all my other tanks with these. So very close to drippers it is barely noticeable. Love it.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
    Siam Diesel and Scratchy like this.

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