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Tips for Bellus RTA

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by Lotta, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Note that my last occurrence of leaking/weeping did not happen right after a refill but rather sitting static for several hours. Previous refills with afc closed had at least some leaking. Last refill that I did had no leaking and with that one I believe I had left the airflow open. Seems people have different levels of success preventing leaking using completely different methods. I hope a V2 of this tank can be less problematic in this way. In all other respects I do like it a lot.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Ok. Just did a rebuild. I was using the coils that came with the Bellus which came out at .5 ohms. I wanted to try the single coil build, so I made a .7 ohm single coil and used the adapter. The airflow was terrible for DTL. No matter what I tried, I kept burning the juice and could not get enough flavor. So I switched back to dual coil running at .35 ohms. Working really well at 35 watts. Flavor is better than with the stock coils. IMO. Anyway, I took a picture of the wicking on the previous build which I tried to reproduce for this build. We will see how it goes. Sorry for the terrible pic. My phone camera sucks and the lighting is very bad. But you can see where the wicks are. Kinda.

    Siam Diesel and Neilly like this.
  3. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    GrimmGreen just posted his review of the Bellus and has shown a new wicking method. Next time I rewick I may as well try it.
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  4. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    very interesting idea that. Definately give this method a go when my tank gets here.
    just tried this Grim Greens wicking and with a 2.4mm ID on a 26g 0.53 r dual kanthal build I was getting dry hits everywhere down to 40W. checked the build and i appear to have left the wicks too long. trimmed them a little and it is a lot better but still appears to be too thick. no dry hits though until 60W. BUT i am vaping a custard so that may also be the problem. lol. going to try 27g same resistance on a 2mm ID and see if that is a bit better with less wick in the channels. After that it's going to be trial and error time ands see what happens. I know on a Goliath V2 my favourite build is a 29g 1.0r 2mm ID dual so if the 27g doesn't work I will go to that and work from there. lol I really want to get more surfaced area in this build though so going to take some time to get the best all around build for it I think.

    The dangers are real people
    I have a feeling i am getting dragged back in to being hooked on constant rebuilding again. lmao
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  5. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I too went ahead and tried this wicking method. 6 wrap 26 ga 2.5mm coils. I have not had any dry hits, but I never go above 50 watts. No leaking or flooding. The condensation issue seems to have gone away as well. The biggest issue is airflow. It has had a large effect on airflow. I was running it with the airflow somewhat closed off but now with the airflow wide open, it is at the very limit of what is acceptable to me. Which means that I'm sure it will not be enough for others. The best method for me so far is the picture I posted. I really love the flavor from this tank and I think it is a great tank overall. But I have to admit that finding the proper wicking for this thing is a pain in a$$.
    Had to go back and trim the wicks. Airflow was too restricted and flavor was down as well. Back to my other method and all seems fine. Airflow and taste have returned.
  6. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I have to admit that I will no doubt be going lower in power on this. I generally vape around 30W in tanks. But sometimes you just gotta play a bit. lol
    So far I have not had this with the longer wicks, I have yet to try short wicks.
    I wonder if the shorter coil caused this. Mine was an 8/9 build on both ID coils and this almost completely filled the air holes to the coils. Possibly tour wick covered some of it when it was pushed in to position. Either way I don't like just stuffing the wick in with the sleeve. wick goes everywhere and is ineffective..

    Time to play again today
  7. FredL

    FredL Member

    Sep 13, 2015
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    That Grim Green method of wicking is great if you plan to rewick a few hours later..Horrible!
    So far.. The most durable wicks are the sort that leaks when top filling. :lost it:
    But worth that bit of wasted juice. The bellus is a nice vape cos the airflow is just perfect for my builds and taste.
  8. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Yes, as Lotta said, I did have the Goliath, have got the Bellus and also have got the Goliath V.2- and, although I'm only using single coils and the little grommet thing, for me the Goliath v2 is the winner.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  9. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    OK so here is my take on the building and filling on this damned thing. This is obviously just for me as it is entirely dependant on what an individual requires from their vape. this has taken me many rebuilds to get right and I am still perfecting it but it is just about right.

    Coils I have found that the coil length and ID can SEVERELY effect the airflow as well as position. What I prefer is a 2mm ID no more than 6/7 wrap. Any mre than this restricts the airflow too much. Further builds will include 25-22g wire but for the moment I am settled on 26g. Positioning needs to be as close to the posts as possible again to allow airflow. Ohms of the coils I am finding it easier to use different wire than change the wraps to higher than 6/7.

    Wicking I have so far found that so long as it goes to about halfway down the channels or more it works fine. I haven't gone higher as yet. no time to get it checked. What I have found is that a larger ID coil wicked tends to choke the channels once the RTA is back together. (I want to add that I just haven't had the time to play with wicking properly as yet and this is the best ahve found so far. I have had no leaking or seepage issues at all with top filling UNLESS I have allowed juice to miss the fill port and either drip down in to the chimney or sit on the top of the tank (which is in itself then pushed out and into the chimney. The juice then gets in to the build deck and if too much will leak out the AFC. If I get ALL the juice in to the port then I get zero leak and condensation with top filling. The only other way this can leak, as far as I can see, is if there is insufficient wick inside the channels allowing the juice to slip past and into the build deck. I can't see any extra internal pressure being developed when tightening the top back on as nothing is compressing the air/juice already in the tank, as it was with the Kayfuns for example.

    Great flavour, vapor and ease of build. Great tank. Love mine.

    (This is just what works for me and I thought I would share for anyone new to getting this tank or possibly giving a couple of ideas to anyone having problems with it)
    Siam Diesel, Neilly and haybilly like this.
  10. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    It sure is an interesting tank--and, I believe, one that has more than one way of achieving a fairly decent vape--I've tried out a couple of different methods, and both have been decent--I will try out the ones espoused on this thread next to see if I get something even better.
  11. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    After more time with the Bellus, this is what I have came up with. Wicking 1/4 to 1/2 way down the juice channel seems to work best for me. I use a thick piece of cotton and get it in the coils extremely tight. No leaking or flooding and the condensation issue has practically went away. The only leaking or flooding comes when using the top fill. I have a method that works for me that has done away with leaking and flooding using the top fill. I have mentioned it before but I thought I would mention it again since it has worked so well for me. Only fill the tank when it is almost empty. You still want a small amount of juice to keep the wicks wet. If you go until the wicks are starting to dry before refilling, it will flood and leak. If you fill it with any juice still visible in the glass, it will flood and/or leak. It is a great tank, but it does have some quirks. Still my favorite RTA, with the Goliath V1 slightly behind. I haven't tried the Goliath V2 yet so I can't make a comment on it. But Haybilly really has me wanting to try one now.
    haybilly likes this.
  12. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Go on, man, get yourself one- I'm sure that you will like it; you're a much better coil builder than I am, and also more inclined to keep trying until you work it out ( whereas me, I'll just put the tank in the 'naughty' tank box, and move on) but with the Goliath V2 I am confident that you will get it vaping nice from day one.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
    As for refilling the Bellus, I now refill it using the Top Fill system, close the multi holed air intake right down, and fill to within a couple of mm from the very top, then screw the top back on until it's just beginning to touch the large rubber seal, leaving quite a bit still to screw down, flip the tank back upright screwing tight the top at the same time- then just open the air holes turn tank upside down and blow through catching any juice on a tissue by the air intake holes-- this method seems to work for me and doesn't give much leakage afterwards, I reckon.
  13. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Truthfully not saying you guys aren't having leakage issues when top filling, but I can't understand them. Right from day 1 I have had zero leakage with top filling the tank UNLESS I get juice going in to the chimney as I fill it. I know it is then as I have bottles with large tips on them that don't fit in to the fill holes so pay special attention when filling. Maybe I was just lucky with the 2 that I bought. Hope you can solve your issues though. I can't stand a tank that leaks for no obvious reason and would probably have ditched these if I had the same issues.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  14. haybilly

    haybilly Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Mine doesn't leak much now, but first couple of uses it leaked a big puddle, probably just me being ham fisted.

    Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
  15. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Hey, Naughty's are great tanks...don't denigrate them like that. :D
    Emmess, Neilly and haybilly like this.

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