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Tips for Bellus RTA

Discussion in 'Rebuildable Atomisers' started by Lotta, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I think with this tank in particular, the wicking material, length, density, and how tight you pack it in the coils makes a difference that you may not see with other tanks. Consider yourself a master of the Bellus if you have never had one leak. I had stated in an earlier post that the reputation for leaking may be undeserved. With the right build and wicking I have not had any leaking issues. The top fill, I think I have figured out (at least for me). So I can say that my Bellus does not leak. There was a learning curve to achieve this and it took some experimenting. With that said, I never had major leaks like some have reported. Mine were mostly flooding and a small amount of leakage around the airflow control ring. I hear of stories of the juice coming out as fast as you can put it in. That amount of leaking I have no idea why or even where to start as my initial issues were a very minor amount of leaking. The direct to the coil airflow is something new and I'm sure plays a role in the quirks of this tank. There are similar reports of the Aromamizer leaking as well, just not as many. With it being the other tank with this direct to coil airflow makes me to think that this design is just a little pickier about wicking.
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  2. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Still have the same wicks as I posted a pic of and it hasn't leaked or weeped since the last time. Refilled it a couple times since taking the pic too. Air vents open, cap approx 80% closed, tipped over to let air sit at the base then screwed cap in the rest of the way.

    Gonna have to rewick very soon as it's starting to get as little off-flavor and I bet the coils are gunked up some.
  3. Neilly

    Neilly Flavour Chaser

    Apr 8, 2015
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    At Work
    Gotta say I've had very little leakage from this tank (apart from when I first got it and did a single coil and forgot to put the blanking piece in...doh [​IMG] )...when I was using it as MTL I would get the condensation issue, but since using it as DL I've had no issues at all...and that includes filling as well. I don't always wait until it's empty to refill it, but I do close off the AFC ring and upend it before closing the top cap fully [​IMG]
    haybilly likes this.
  4. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I usually do the same (closing the AFC) with most of my top-fill tanks but after a run of leaking with the Bellus, have been doing so without closing it and it hasn't leaked on refill, partial tank or empty. Not sure my keeping the AFC open is the reason or I have had better wick methods (or combo of the two) since all the previous refill attempts that leaked.
  5. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I love the flavor of this tank and as an added bonus you get the experience of a trip to Las Vegas. Sometimes you can win big and sometimes you can lose it all.
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  6. Axel

    Axel Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    I had few leaking at the beginning, coming better now, and not really a problem... My main problem is that I cannot obtain the same amount of flavour compared to my simple tanks with 0.5 Ohm factory coil, the difference even comes higher since I am using the Uwell Crown... Probably my fault, building problem, but in consequence I am still to find the good RTA for me...
  7. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Are you building dual coil or single coil? How many Ohms? How much air flow are you using? The flavor is better with the air flow closed down a good bit. IMHO. What are you using for wicking? The Crown has great flavor as well. But you should definitely not see a flavor decrease with this tank.
  8. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    For me, the difference between the 0.25 Crown coil and a 0.3 build in the Bellus is huge. I only used the Crown for about 10 days and just vaped it after not using it for the last week. Foul. Fortunately the RBA is on its way.
  9. Axel

    Axel Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Tested a lot of various buildings, single and double, from 0.5 to 1.5 Ohm, but it is true that I am keeping the air flow full open most of the time, I don't like tight airflow in general... And using Japan coton for my wicks. Presently on the Bellus, I am on single coil of Kantal 0.5mm, 2.5mm diam and approx 1 Ohm because it is the best I tested, but still very far from the crown tank or the Subox mini tank for the flavour.
  10. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    226g 6 wrap 2mm ID, around .35r, seems to work nicely for me, I found I had to keep the number of wraps down to shorten the length of the coil and assist airflow. If you don't like that try a 28g 2mm 6 wrap dual. about 0.5r. should give a good vapoe around 30-35W but thats up to your preference.

    If thats not a typo it is hell of a thick piece of Kanthal, or am I mis reading that. Also I reduce from 2.4 to 2mm ID to aid airflow as well as placing the coils as close to the decks I could.

    Dont have a crown but this is miles ahead of a subtank mini for flavour with the juices I am using. My advice would be to keep trying different builds and wick lengths for a few more builds. Althiough it can take single coil it appears to have be designed as a dual coil tank so may perform better like that than the single coil builds.
    Neilly and Axel like this.
  11. Lotta

    Lotta Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Here's my advice. First throw the single coil plug adapter away. The Bellus is terrible in single coil mode. I tried it and the flavor was way off and the airflow was bad as well. I can see why you had to open it up so much now. Try a 7 wrap 26 gauge Kanthal with a 2.5mm diameter. With dual coils that should put you in the .45 ohm area. The next thing to check before going any further is the placement of the coils. Leave the AFC off and pop the deck into the tank. The coils should be directly in front of the air holes. Not above or below. Adjust them until you center them up if necessary. Wick it like an RDA. Get the cotton in those coils tight. Next trim the wick to fit 1/4 to 1/2 way down the juice channels. Try it with airflow about 1/4 open. If you are not getting better flavor than a Crown or Subtank Mini at this point, we must be living in different universes. I don't know your vaping style or what wattages you use but this build is really sweet at 35 watts for me. Some juices I go down to 30 and some up to 40 but I usually stay at 35. This is with the airflow about 1/4 of the way open. Everything is subjective and this may not work for you but there is no reason the Bellus is not capable of walking all over these other two tanks.

    Also wanted to add that this build works good on mech mods as well. Just like the porridge in Goldilocks, not too hot and not too cold.
    Neilly, Axel and FredL like this.
  12. Axel

    Axel Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Longtail and Lotta, thank you so much for the good advices, will build and test again !
    In fact, I regret living so far from BKK because I am sure my vape experience would completely change If I could join a vape meet up!
  13. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Keeping in mind subjectivity, I find the Crown is a big bump up in flavor over the Subtank, the Bellus a definite bump up over the Crown and in a different flavor rendering league altogether than the Subtank.

    Others are right that with a decent build, the Bellus should be better (to many but probably not all folks) than any of the replacement coil outfitted tanks. Some good tips given by them that I trust will be of help!
  14. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    You're not too far from me Axel. Basically I am in Sawang Daen Din, about 70? KM from Sakon Nakhon.
  15. Axel

    Axel Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Arch... Next Isan meet in Sakhon Nakhon... Would be very great!

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