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    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Truly Frustrated. Coils are getting clogged.

Discussion in 'Vaping Technical Issues' started by bluuueyess, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    i was in a similar boat not long ago. i bought an kayfun clone from fasttech and then more recently a igo L. Some of the best money i ever spent. the igo-l is great for having around the house. the vape is a bit tight but otherwise really nice and i can switch between flavors almost easier than with my ce5 tanks. plus there is less cross over between flavors. the kayfun is great when i am on the go. its a bit big but it holds the juice and performs well. i have been running both on the same coil for 3 weeks and 1 week respectively and only need to switch out the cotton and do a dry burn when i want to change flavors. the little bit extra i spent on the devise is easily recouped in replacement coils in a very short period of time.

    $15.52 Kayfun v3.1 ES Styled Rebuildable Atomizer Kit (4.5mL) - chromed brass version at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
    $7.67 IGO-L Rebuildable Stainless Steel Dripping Atomizer - double heating wires / 1.6ohm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    i use the vamo 5 which is reasonably priced.

    $28.62 Vamo V5 Variable Voltage/Wattage Mod / APV - chromed brass at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

    this may seem like a lot initially, but other than batteries, cotton, and a bit of wire you are good to go for the foreseeable future.
    Byk likes this.
  2. nattiboy

    nattiboy New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    ^ you're speaking my language right there lol! How about customs? Did you get taxed on it. I guess it's just the juice that against the law here right?

    I want to vape, i do not want to smoke, but i also do not want another costly pastime that feels as if it is a necessity to get to the end result, otherwise it’s just like smoking ciggies, (albeit healthier).
    Never liked cigs, just the nicotine I’m addicted to, the cigs were the means to the end.
    I don’t like constantly buying new coils, and wondering if I have enough, or putting up with substandard vaping because I feel it’s a waste to throw a coil out because I’ve only had it a week, but I’m doing it to get the nicotine I’m addicted to, putting up with the crap is the means to the end. I would like to cut that part out.
    Byk likes this.
  3. colind88

    colind88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    Using RDA's (drippers) I build my coils with ribbon kanthal -3 or 4 wraps on a drill bit, torched while on the drill bit - install them in the dripper with the coil still on the drill bit - remove the drill bit and they are a perfect tube - kinda like a micro coil but not tight. I then use cotton wool from balls to wick the coil. removing the cotton wool when it comes to re wicking is easy. You just carefully grab both ends of the cotton wick and pull - this does not disturb your coil. Dry burn the coil a couple of times and re wick. My current coils have been in my dripper for a month - I change the cotton about every 2 days. 1 cotton wool ball does about 5 wicks so the cost per wick is about .001 Baht. At this rate my vaping costs are reduced now to batteries and juice. I used to be a heavy smoker - now I am a heavy vaper but at 1/5 the cost. (apart from the hobby expenditure).

    500 days smoke free :)

  4. ryanmacl

    ryanmacl Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I've said it before, think of it more like pipes or cigars. You can go cheap, or the sky is the limit with how much you can spend. I always tell people to get something middle of the road like the Vamo yourauntbob recommended, because it is a great device that even if you outgrow, you'll still keep it as a fallback. The same can't really be said about the cheap eGos. Kayfuns and the clones are great, super easy to set up, and the flavor beats out anything short of a dripper.

    For me, my dripper is an essential bit of kit, and they are super cheap. Its a pain in the ass to clean out something with a tank every time you want to change flavors, so the dripper comes in very handy. Also, very easy to try out different coil and wick combinations since everything is so accessible. I have a bunch of ribbon wire that I may try out with cotton tonight, after reading colind88's post.

    My advice, keep asking questions on here. Everyone has their own methods, habits, styles. Buy what sounds good, sell whatever you don't like. Learn about the basics and play around with them, wick and wire is cheap. It'll help you get a handle on what works for you so you'll know what features you want to spend more money on.

    One other thing, come to the next Vape Meet. Not sure when we're going to have it, but nothing beats hands on experience. Try other people's stuff, taste what other people are vaping, make some friends in meatspace. Its nice having lunch and bullshitting about vaping for an hour (shoutout to asiaexpat) or sitting around drinking beers (shoutout to yourauntbob).
    Byk likes this.
  5. yourauntbob

    yourauntbob hair club for men member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    only nicotine juice is against the law. when i order i always do the slowest method possible and although the wait gets to me the stuff has never been taxes (knock on wood).

    as colind said, if you build decent coils then they will last a while and cotton is dirt cheap. if you really want to make the experience cheap then start making your own liquids. flavor west (Flavor West) sells to MT Baker and you can get 4 oz (120mils) from them for $6-15, pg and vg can be had here for about 100 baht per kilogram. this would bring the cost down to just above batteries and getting your hands on some nicotine to mix with.

    in summation, rebuilding + DIY = VERY CHEAP.

    120 mils of concentrate = 900 mils of juice. so even if you vape 3 mils a day that's almost a year. total cost (less shipping) estimate since i dont know how many mils in a kilogram around 800 baht. less than a baht per mil.

    nicotine. if you can get someone to bring it here for you 120 mils of 100mg nicotine is $12-20 depending on where you get it. again, will make 1200 mils of 10mg or 800 mils of 15mg etc..... again, less than a baht per mil depending on your preference.

    cotton- big c small bag is 15 baht. lets just say you change cotton a lot and waste a plenty by threading too much and cutting a lot. easily still last you 3 months. that means maybe 75 baht per year........ less than 50 stang a day

    total cost of vaping, less than 5 baht per day if your willing to put a bit of work into it, and i do mean a little. once you get yourself used to doing all this stuff it becomes really easy (like rolling your own cigs).

    not included: batteries, wire, chargers, mixing equipment. but the former are not expensive, the latter is mostly a one time thing.

    enjoy........... :vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping::vaping:

    - - - Updated - - -

    when are we having it :grin:
  6. Anbessa

    Anbessa Come&Go Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    So far with FT no problems as long as you keep the parcel smaller. A mod,a tank, batteries and juice should not be a problem. You may have to wait 2-3 week's. All the questions regarding customs,law and other like which battery, mod have been discussed many times here and you can easily find related posts via search and of course keep on asking.

  7. nattiboy

    nattiboy New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    thanks. im going to get the kit sorted before i think about making juice. lol. thanks for all the advice.

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