1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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Unregulated mods. Why?

Discussion in 'General Thailand Vaping Discussion' started by Nakhonsisean, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. peter-k

    peter-k Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    I did. And soon swichted back to power regulated mode.

    My conclusion was, with power regulation or TC facility I can get something good out of the available coil and tank.

    With a mechanical mod I thought it must be just the other way around. I have to adapt my setup to the mech and to my preference.
  2. The Rev

    The Rev Forgiven Member

    Jul 5, 2014
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    On the Tip of a Big Created Rock
    Only one thing to add.... Size. Mech's are most times without any unneccesary bulk.
    Mechs are outstanding for tanks as well for all the same reasons. Reg's have finally begun to shrink but there's nothing like a nice little Heron mated with a Paps.
    Dieter., Siam Diesel and debatedude like this.
  3. Submaniac

    Submaniac Ayatolah of Rock 'N Rolla

    Feb 19, 2014
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    The wastelands.
    Everything everyone else said about a mechanical is true in terms of advantages. A regulated mod will eventually break in time (or become out dated) a mech will not. You could leave it in your pocket and go swimming (or put it in the washing machine). Replace the battery, clean the contacts, and a mech is still good to go. Before the DNA chips, the mechs were much more popular because the only choice you had to do serious sub ohming was a mechanical. Back in the day, the only choice for a VV was a Provari. Then China jumped on board, and you had VAMOS, Lavatubes, and Evics. But the first generation of regulated were limited to 1 ohm resistance. So to go below 1 ohm you needed a mech. Now with the DNA style chips and the low resistance, you don't need a mech. I still prefer them because they are smaller, and more rugged than a regulated (and will not break). In terms of pocket friendliness, the mech still has the advantage. The only space it takes up is for a battery and atomizer, and you don't need extra bulk for a regulated chip. I pretty much use only mechs for going out just because they are smaller. A mech in 18350 or 14500 (same size as a AA battery) is very tiny.

    Another thing that you should keep in mind is that Thailand has a very humid climate, which isn't really a good thing when it comes to electronic circuitry. With a mech, there is no chip to screw up and that is the major advantage in LOS when you can't just walk to a shop on the corner (like you can do in the states) to replace an equipment failure. If it's going to be a hassle to fix if it breaks...then you should have at least one mechanical around because it is bulletproof. If you have a functioning battery the mech simply will not fail.
  4. kev mac

    kev mac Active Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Try it,you'll like it.As much as I enjoy my "high tech" devices I still use and enjoy my mechs and unregs.
    Dieter., Nakhonsisean and The Rev like this.
  5. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    They're handy to have...I use mine with an RDA for juice tasting. You definitely will need to understand Ohm's Law and practice battery safety. Most of the vaping horror stories we read about happen with mechs so the dangers are very real.

    Above all, always vape safely!!!
    :vaping: :vaping:
    Dieter. and Nakhonsisean like this.

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