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WISMEC Reuleaux RX200

Discussion in 'Temperature Control board Talk' started by Rick O-Shea, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Just an update on this. Been playong a bit ore this AM, an it seems that if I drop the Watts while keeping the temperature at 420F then the temp protection feature is far less noticeable and you can get a reasonable vape, if that is to your liking. So my thought is that if there is way too much power going to the coil than needed to get to teh correct temperature then the temp protection feature makes massive adjustments on the RX200 and basically cuts the power for long periods. If closer to the correct temp then it can cope quite well. Not sure if that is clear or not.
    Mack likes this.
  2. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Makes sense that a moderate wattage setting would be all that is needed to get to a temp of 420 but based on your description, odd that the mod had issues with it at a higher setting anyway. What wattage range were your running at 420F that exhibited the issues?

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  3. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Anything above 30W was unvapable for me. Zero heat zero vapor. Set to 20-25 and below it was givng me the kind of vapor I would expect at that temp. It must have a preheat built in as it is 26g SS at 0.21 and ramp up was very quick. The temp protection just can't seem to make the big adjustments.

    Yet to play with Ti and Ni200 though. No time yet as I am helping my Thai family on the farm atm lol.
  4. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    That to me is how all my mods work and is the reason I get the thin vapour during temp protection and why Im convinced its on off control and the hysteresis bands are set quite wide.
  5. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Will be curios to see if I get the same experience with my soon to arrive RX200 but with Ni200 or Ti. As mentioned before I don't like low temp vaping to begin with (as I noted even with the excellent DNA200 a 400 W vape is lame and weak) but I've never experienced changes in power or the vape changing if temp if set low. Well, that is except for the Smok xcube II which regulates pretty badly across most temp settings. A temp around 400 is usually weak and lame right from the start and remains as such throughout.

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  6. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
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  7. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    if they're working the same as the RX200 you could try playing with the power settings BUT if they don't have an initial boost, or preheat, then it will probably take forever to get to temp in the first place and so you still get a crap vape at low temp. Worth as try though I guess.
    I'll try tp get to Ni200 and Ti in the next couple of days. But I am currently running around all over the damned place getting a few things done. As soon as I get to it I will let you know what happens, if you haven't already tried it yourself that is.
    So another update. I have found some time to put on a Ti coil in a Goliath V2 and tried it on the RX200 and same thing with the TC. Yoiu HAVE to get the power levels just right or the Temp protection basically kills the vape trying to compensate. Having said that if you adjust the Watts correctly it is a very nice vape indeed.
  8. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Have my RX200 and seriously impressed with the build quality. Very nice with no play at all in the battery door. Only niggle would be the small space between bottom edge of the display- button front plate and the very bottom of the bottom edge of the mod. It's not bad at all but the seam suiize is twice as wide as the top edge fitting of the plate. I doubt I'll be noticing it during use. This is just after my initial inspection.

    510 pin has only a very small amount of play. About 1/4 or 1/3 of what I see other floating/spring 510 pins have. Have fit three mods on and so far all sit flush.

    Vape quality seems pretty darn good in terms of smoothness but vape temp and strength with both Ni200 and Ti seems low relative to the DNA200 and other mods. Easy enough adjustment and not the only mod that is different temp-wise from the DNA200. It's probably the most "off" feeling with temp of any other mod I have. Hate to say it but it sort of reminds me of the VTC Mini (same parent company) I got rid of because of its anemic vape issue. Maybe not quite as bad but the sensation of temp has me wanting to estimate 40 to 60 F lower than other mods. Weird.

    Tried 400 F at low wattage (19.5 W) and I get very little vapor and absolutely no warmth. Tried it at 75 W and there is no difference from what I saw at 19.5 W. No difference in vapor, my sense of power delivery, sound, nothing. Pretty much exactly the same.

    Honestly, despite build quality, I am sorta disappointed. Still very early in use so will update if any changes to what I have noticed so far.
    Siam Diesel and Longtail1 like this.
  9. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Strange that one. I just played again in Ti and got the same almost zero vapor at high watts and low temp but reasonable, for the temp, vapor although a bit cool..

    Agree on the build quality and also the 510 pin. I have had to adjust one of my tanks so it connected. Because of the battery trhough I am seriously considering getting this in a DNA200 format, and keep this one for a "work" mod. Feels great in the hand and I find no issue with the weight at all personally.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  10. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I'd like to get the DNA version too. This one isnt bad but I don't like having to crank the temp up. Either Wismec doesn't have their TCR values exactly right (at least for Ni200 or Ti) or something's wrong with the mods connectivity....something. Really does remind me of the VTC Mini just not quite as weak. I hope they improve this with a firmware update because there are many more accurate TC-vaping mods out there not needing adjusting the temp like this one. More accurate TC vaping mods include DNA200 and DNA40 models, Yihi SX350J chipset models, IPVD2, IPVD3, Sigelei IPV4S and the Cloupor GT and Mini TC models (Yes, the Cloupor's are more accurate with TC than this).

    At least there's the hope of a firmware to make this better. I guess I didn't spend way over the top money and with adjusting temp higher the vape is good so not a complete crap buy. It's also built very well and it'll have good battery life.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  11. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    That is odd, indeed. Even if mine had that sort of thing it wouldnt bother me as I dont vape at 400 F and that setting would be imposible for me to come even close to enjoying what with how inaccurate the temp seems to be on my copy.

    One thing I have noticed too is that with the watts set higher I notice more the preheat jolt. It is very short duration but noticeable. For example, running dual Ti cols with temp at 520 F, at around 45+ W the preheat burst becomes noticeable while below that much less so or even lower not at all. At 75 W definitely there and at 90 W even more pronounced.

    Oh and the 3 click vs 4 click thing is annoying. I have accidentally switched wire types a few times when trying instead to adjust wattage.
  12. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    God knows how many times I have done that. lmao A royal pain in the butt.
    I can't vape at below 480 or so and say I anjoy it normally around 510-550F

    I really can't comment on the different TCR's in the RX200 compared to the DNA200 though. Having just started with TC again and NEVER TC with a DNA I would be irresponsible to put my opinion yet. I would hate for someone to take my judgement and think I actually knew what I was talking about this early in the game. lol Hell I'm still trying to get to know how to use the DNA chip menu, let alone compare the TCR with a different chip. lol. But I am enjoying the DNA200 far more than the RX200 TC personally. I think once I understand TC more in general and can properly fine tune the DNA to my preferences I will be well and truly spoilt to all other chips. lol

    The YIHI software for TC that is coming out is I assume, an attempt to keep up with Evolve, but first impressions are that it may be more basic at this stage with some work to be done to catch up. Could be interesting once details are more available, but if they are using PWM for TC I am not sure I would want it as my main TC vape. Maybe more for an out and about mod with smaller power and size? I think Evolve will be going that way with future chips and Escribe as well though.
  13. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Sadly, in my experience and with my copy it doesn't fully...at least with TC compared to other TC mods. I have hope a future firmware will improve it. Late last night went onto ECF and the thread there and find others found the same issue as myself (the mod undervalues the temp). Another knock is the control system using the fire button's 3 or 4 clicks to change TC modes and wattage adjustment. Otherwise wonderfully made and solid and with an adjusted temp to compensate for the inaccuracy, provides a nice vape and there's also the good battery life to be expected.
    jon likes this.
  14. jon

    jon Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Nong Luong
    Yes, I saw a posting you had about this, and hopefully will they manage to fix the problem. But I don't use TC and will probably never do either so for me it's a great mod. Build and look, and it firs very well in the hand.
    a_spirit and Siam Diesel like this.
  15. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    For straight-up VW mode, it would be absolutely excellent :)
    jon likes this.

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