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WISMEC Reuleaux RX200

Discussion in 'Temperature Control board Talk' started by Rick O-Shea, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Rx200 update issues | Thailand Vapers
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  2. a_spirit

    a_spirit Swedish n00b

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Vaped from my iPhone with adapter to Tapatalk
  3. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    @Scratchy. I know this isn't going to make a lot of sense, at least it doesn't to me but I will put it in anyway.

    You were talking abojut the difference in vape temp between the RX200 and the DNA200 and I was having trouble seeing it too much and thought it was just my inexperience with TC. I did notice that the quality of the vape was a lot better though. Well as you know my VTBox 200 crapped out on me and is currently out for repair and today I got a VT200 from Hcigar. Now if I compare THAT to the RX200 I can clearly see the difference in temp between the two mods.

    This is strange to me though as it is still a DNA200 I am using and I would have thought that although it is a different manufacturer of the mod is the board is the same. Only thing I can think of would be manufacturer settings such as the mod resistance etc. Same atties and juice and wire.

    So anyway. I totally get what you are saying about the rx200 now.
    Scratchy likes this.
  4. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea Thread Starter iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Fcuk. That VTbox has died already?!
  5. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Yep. That's why I got your VT200. I love the DNA 200 board and wanted a cheap alternative to test it more while it is being repaired. Died in less than a week. Gone back to Big and he is forwarding it on to China for repair or replacement, MAY have to go to Evolve with the board if the company decide to try and repair the chip instead of replace it I guess so could be looking at 3-4 months before I getg it back. Loved the feel of the enclosure as well so hopefully it will last a bit longer once I get it back.

    Your VT200 is running like a champ atm. Just got to get everything finished in escribe to get it how I like it. Short on time though.
    Scratchy likes this.
  6. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    It could be down to a difference in build or some aspect of an individual atty or build that doesn't show as much of a difference between the two mods (vtbox and rx200 before). Using Tapatalk so not sure if it was this thread or another but I had given test results that had included the billow nano. Put in an entirely new Ni200 build on it this evening and it no longer works well with the built-in Ni200 setting or the TCR setting I used with effectiveness last time on the rx200. Pop it on either of my DNA 200 mods and it's fantastic, same with ipvd3 and sure would be the same with ipvd2 and my sigelei or the DNA40.....DNA200 always the best though so far.

    A defect or poor connection or wiring etc. can impact things for sure. Also, other things like you mentioned such as the internal resistance of the DNA200 mod itself can have some effect when compared to another model with the same chip though I suspect rather small. I measured both of mine and used 80% of the resistance value individually on each (80% as has been recommended by Evolv). It's not going to make them 100% accurate but more accurate than any other mod other than someone else's dna200 who did it better than me of which I am sure there would be many. :)

    The RX200 works really nicely when you have it dialed in. Just frustrating that you either have to often jack up the temp setting With a ridiculous value or switch over to a TCR setting....both of which may not work the same if you put on another atty even with the same wire type. Would be maddening if you tend to swap attys a fair amount.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    Longtail1 likes this.
  7. Neilly

    Neilly Flavour Chaser

    Apr 8, 2015
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    At Work
  8. a_spirit

    a_spirit Swedish n00b

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I have to say, it took me only 10-15 mins to set up my DNA200 and SS profile and battery profile..
    Longtail1 and Scratchy like this.
  9. dl12345

    dl12345 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    From my experience, this is absolutely correct. I have both an evic VTC mini and a Reuleaux RX200 and they share pretty much identical behaviour, so clearly the firmware is a little unpolished. Some observations on TC using SS316L:

    • Don't even try to use 28 AWG wire. You will get incorrect resistance readings. It's even worse if you use a twisted 28 AWG. With a twisted coil, I put it into the mod at room temperature, it reads the ohms at say 0.5. I lock the resistance then press the fire button and the resistance actually drops dramatically instead of going up - TC using 28 AWG is non-functional. 26AWG and 24 AWG give much more consistent TC. In fact, both my evic and reuleaux yield the same taste at the same temperature, so in some ways the firmware is consistent (my eliquid is very sensitive to temperature - 5 degree celsius either way results in a dramatic reduction in flavour)
    • Sometimes, I need to put the atty in and unscrew it a few times to get the correct reading. I always double check with my multimeter when building a new coil. The mods almost always do not recognize a new coil, even when pressing fire with the atty off to force a reset
    • Coils below 0.5 ohm seem to give less consistent results in terms of resistance readings. I use 0.5 - 0.7
    • The wattage is very important. Theoretically, you should be able to crank up the wattage to whatever you want and the TC should handle things. However, cranking it high causes the TC to kick in very quickly and cut off power for extended periods. I use around 25w - 30w for a 0.5 ohm single coil that seems to work very well for me vaping at 205 - 210 celsius (400 - 410 Fahrenheit). You can push it up to 35w, but the wattage not only affects the TC but also changes the taste quite a bit for me.
    • EDIT: one other observation - unlike others, when trying a dry burn test the cotton does not burn at low temperature. Charring starts to occur at about 240 celsius on both devices (465 Fahrenheit) . This seems to be a little on the high side, so I suspect temperatures may be a little lower than the actual reading, but not hugely so.

    EDIT: another observation. Trying M1 mode and inserting the value that steam-engine gives for SS316L (879×10-6, i.e., 88) seems to give a better vape, although I need to increase temp by about 40 celsius. i'm not sure what value Wisemec/Joyetech is using for their SS316 mode, but it clearly isn't 88 - some testing seems to place it around 103 - 104, which is clearly wrong for SS316L. To trust steam-engine's calculation or Joyetech firmware, that is the question...
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    Scratchy, Neilly and Siam Diesel like this.
  10. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Thanks for sharing your findings dl12345. After all of my own testing with Ti and Ni200 (I have several posts detailing some here in our forum), together with the many posts at ECF for those same wire types as well as SS varieties, it's pretty obvious the Joyetech/Wismec (RX200, Cuboid and VTC Mini) mods' temp settings are undervalued (sometimes significantly) and they can have issues with resistance readings. It sucks having to many times abandon the built-in profiles and adjust/tweak the custom ones to get something close to the proper temp to setting value but at least it can be done and afterwards enjoy a good vape.

    Another observation I can share is that the mod's behavior is not consistent across all attys. For example, a TCR value of 380 with one atty may be needed whereas another needs only 350 and meanwhile the built-in Ti setting is pathetic for both. So not only do you have the inaccuracies but you also have different levels of it and your custom TCRs may not work across all attys in the same way. So there could be the need for yet another round of TCR adjustments rather than popping on a different atty with same wire type and vaping away using the previous value.

    As for high wattage with Ni200 and Ti with these mods, I haven't seen quite the same behavior you and Longtail mentioned. What I notice is a stronger initial spike at higher wattage settings and then it regulates smoothly at lower wattage and as one would normally expect. So, to avoid that more pronounced initial blast of power, I use conservative wattage settings. Higher wattage isn't needed or used anyway with most TC configurations so no big deal to me.

    Would be very nice if Joyetech/Wismec gave us the ability to force a proper reset of resistance values and allow manual adjustment of the value itself. Of course, it would be also good if they could fix the problems they have with their profiles and the mods behavior with resistance readings.

    It's funny all the praise these mods receive yet when you look at forum feedback with reports of the issues we are encountering or people going on and on about TCR values etc.. The fan boys brush them off as nothing or no big deal and point to the workarounds mentioned but it's quite apparent that, compared to other TC devices out there, these mods are not as consistent, accurate or simple to use as most others. With the current behavior with the latest firmware revisions, I would never recommend these mods to a first time TC vaper.
    Siam Diesel likes this.
  11. Lotta

    Lotta Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Now that I have the DNA 200 Reuleaux and can compare it with the Cuboid and RX200. I have to say that I was completely frustrated with TC before but the DNA 200 has made a huge difference. There is a learning curve with Escribe (I'm just starting to get familiar with it) but consistency is much better. Plus with all the settings you can really fine tune the vape to what you like. I waited a long time to get a DNA 200 device and still didn't want to spend the money for it but I think it was a good decision. There are much cheaper mods out there and you can buy 3 or 4 of them for the price of a DNA 200 device but they just don't have accuracy and consistency that I am achieving now.
    Siam Diesel and Scratchy like this.
  12. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Agreed 100% I feel it's no comparison. The DNA200 is much better than Joyetech/Wismec but then again, you pay more for it. ;)
  13. Siam Diesel

    Siam Diesel Nauti Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Vape Wastelands
    Since the new mods from Vape Forward use the Wismec chip, are they also subject to these foibles in TC mode...have you seen any reports on this?

    Has Joyetech/Wismec made any announcements on this matter...are they aware of the TC issues being reported?
    Scratchy likes this.
  14. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    Just saw this thread, I bought this box in France. Normal mode shoots the 200W like freaking stallions, the battery life is excellent and I personally think the design and feel is among the best I have use lately. This is an astonishing product in Kanthal mode, I'll tell you that.

    In TC mode, I wouldn't know though so it was an interesting reading. Thank you guys for sharing all this. Indeed very interesting info !
    Scratchy and Siam Diesel like this.
  15. Scratchy

    Scratchy Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I believe they will have the same issues but who knows, maybe they have a newer revision board and chips that address it. As much as I greatly appreciate the build quality, ergonomics and asthetics of those and the before-mentioned mods I wouldn't personally be interested in finding out.

    Although they may be releasing updates pretty often, from what I have gathered online, they are not well-regarded for their customer service or openly discussing and addressing the faults of their devices. Only hope is they are seeing the feedback and will address them in future updates. I sure hope they do.
    Siam Diesel likes this.

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