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Your juice steeping method.

Discussion in 'General Thailand E-Liquid Discussion' started by pierdon, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. pierdon

    pierdon Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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  2. Mack

    Mack Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    One opinion and some interesting comments, I premix my base without flavour, the nic does not change over a period of months, I have test kits and test my nic levels, a 12% is still a 12% after 2 months. steeping or aging does mellow any harshness, that some flavours have and high PG has too. I have not experienced nic levels going down. Very strange that he says here that tobacco is ready out of the box, most people say tobacco needs longer. Do what works for you. lol.
  3. -V-

    -V- Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Yep, that's the usual way...
  4. ryanmacl

    ryanmacl Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I feel dumber after every one of his videos I see. "Streething", really? Why not "Breeping"?

    I've been making my own juice for quite some time now, and this question has come up around 50 times here on this forum. First of all, don't listen to anything in that video, it's freaking nonsense. Every juice I've ever tried has benefited from some amount of steeping, although not all require it. How much you steep is totally a matter of personal preference. I'll give you some examples.

    When I mix my Moo Juice, I'll mix the ingredients into a large bottle (at least double the volume of the juice) and shake the crap out of it, until the juice gets cloudy from tiny air bubbles. I then put the bottle in a warm dark place with the top off, like behind my computer's fan or something. Now that I'm in the States and its freaking freezing here, they go on the radiator. I'll keep it that way for a few hours, just to get the process moving nicely. Then I'll take the juice, separate it into 50ml bottles, and put all but 2 of them in the freezer. The two I keep out are the next ones I'll be vaping, so they will continue to steep. Top off, dark room temperature place for around 5 more days, shaking it at least once a day. From there on, top goes back on for about two more days, until it gets to the nice golden color I like. Once it gets there, one bottle goes into the fridge and the other bottle gets vaped. When the first bottle is almost empty, second one comes out of the fridge and another one comes out of the freezer with the top off, ready to steep in the same manner as before.

    With the Moo Juice, the freshly made juice tastes a little too bright, and the strawberry is harsh and overpowering. Steeped properly, it becomes a smooth strawberry milkshake with a hint of yogurt sourness. Oversteeped, the flavors blend too much, kind of like putting a nice Christmas dinner into a juicer. Not horrible, but it also clogs up your coils much faster so I try to avoid it.

    When I make Butterscotch it goes the same way, but steeping to my liking takes around 2 weeks for the flavor to really come out. Unsteeped it is still really good, like one of those cheap clearish butterscotch hard candies. At full flavor, it becomes more of an ice cream hot butterscotch sauce.

    My Candied Apple recipe takes 2-3 weeks to come around. Most of my flavors from TPA actually take around 3 weeks to blend nicely, but with those I've never really heat or shake, I just let them sit since my ADV's are Moo Juice and Butterscotch. I'm going to be working on some new flavors here soon, so I'll be doing quite a bit of heating and shaking to speed up the process.

    My advice, do whatever tastes good to you. Steeping isn't going to turn a bottle full of crap into diamonds, but it can certainly make it taste better. One thing though, anything you aren't going to vape for an extended period of time, put it in the freezer. I had quite a bit of juice over the years that sat too long and basically became unvapeable. Me not being lazy and just sticking it in the freezer would have prevented that.
    jon and pierdon like this.
  5. PattayaIELTSTeacher

    PattayaIELTSTeacher Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    I steep everything for at least 10 days, but tend to steep tobaccos even longer. Get a nice dark brown color, and a flavor to match the smell. I've never frozen juices, I'm gonna have to try that.
  6. pierdon

    pierdon Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Thanks for your comments guys.

    Happy that an "unlike/dislike" button doesn't exist... ^^

    I thought this guy was legit as he is the most viewed reviewer on YT... But seems like i got to find a new one ! ;)
  7. Rick O-Shea

    Rick O-Shea iStick Fanboy

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I watch his videos although I can't stand his personality. When he is in 'normal' mode he's OK.
    Not so long ago he did a voltage drop test on a mechanical stating it had the lowest voltage drop of any mechanical he had ever used. Trouble was, he had no load on it and was quick to remove the video due to being trolled in the comments.
  8. Vacob

    Vacob Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    ive been steeping my own juices by double boiling it in a small glass bottle (caps on) for a good 1-2 hours on minimum heat and it does makes a big difference in the flavor, would recommend anyone who's more into flavor to do that and its a big improvement in flavor and consistency in wicking for me defintely.

    i vape 5-6mls a day, this method of steeping can save u lotsa of time

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