1. Welcome to Thailand Vapers, an English language forum for members in Thailand and the rest of Asia to talk about vaping.
    Commonly referred to as e-cigarettes, vaping is really about the use of personal vaporizers (mods) and atomizers (tanks, clearos, RBAs, RDAs, RTAs) filled with e-liquid.
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You're wasting your money on disposable vape gear

Discussion in 'The Thailand Vapers Lounge' started by fruit-lover, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. lordofthedread

    lordofthedread Professional Lurker

    Aug 11, 2014
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    I personally wasted so much money on disposables until I found a nemesis clone and a RDA localy.

    Then I purchased a Kayfun clone and an Aqua clone, I don't want to ear about disposable anymore, replacing cotton or even making coils is not hard just watch a couple of videos off youtube and you are set.

    My next and hopefully last purchase will be a DNA-30.
  2. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    Impressive. Have someone who has never tried vaping spend about USD $300 on a start-up kit. At today's exchange rate, that's 9660.00 Thai Baht. Hell of a price just to start. I have much less invested in all my set-ups. I go along with the others, A simple start-up kit costing around 2000 baht (includes extra coils and an extra tank) is the way to go.
  3. Tibo

    Tibo French Hedonist

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I don't understand you guys. Not everyone needs to have a MVP and a Nautilus mini. Not everyone will enjoy using a box mod and a shiny glass tank.

    From our point of view we want to advise the best vaping gear or the suitable vaping gear ?

    My mother starts vaping with an ego style battery and a EMOW tank and she has absolutely no intention of spending more (unless it breaks) or start rebuilding.

    Again, you would have advise me on a 100 euros started kit to get me off cig, I would have keep smoking.

    You seems to forget that the vast majority of people started the ecig have no idea whether it will work or if they are going to like it !!!

    For a topic about wasting money, I don't find the info very wise for a smoker looking for an alternative.
  4. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Interesting perspectives many of you have.

    Do you buy quality brand name clothes for work or do you buy your clothes along with your weekly groceries at Tescos or Big C?

    And if that isn't a convincing argument, there is also the 'image factor' but then, if you do buy your clothes with your groceries I don't suppose you care what people think
  5. Talen

    Talen Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    an MVP and nautilus tank are well under 100 euro...most people that start with a single ego twist or similar will keep smoking because the down time in charging...if you tell them to buy 2 ego twists or similar so that doesn't happen you are better off telling them to just buy an MVP....Micky and Big both sell the MVP kit for 1400-1500 baht and it even comes with a tank.....add in the nautilus for another 800 baht and you have an amazing starter system for a little over 2000 baht that will be a huge boost to get you off and keep you off tobacco and they have a decent resale value if you decide it's not for you.
  6. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I've introduced more than 10 friends and colleagues to vaping.
    They've all bought the items that you guys suggest and ALL of them have gone back to analogs.

    Not everyone has an easy transition to vaping and the less troublesome it is for the masses, the higher the success rate will be
  7. Talen

    Talen Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    not a good analogy when you consider brand has absolutely nothing to do with quality... Why would I buy a rolex watch when all I need is a timex? Surely the timex tells time just as well as a rolex.

    I also assume you believe everyone works in an office and wears a suit...perhaps people do buy work clothes at the grocery store because it fits a need...cheap expendable clothing. Some people actually do dig ditches for a living.

    image factor also has absolutely nothing to do with it...it's all about not smoking, not looking cool.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I think that's the big hurdle for anyone coming into vaping....it's never going to be as easy as just pulling out a cigarette and lighting it...batteries, tanks, atomizers, mods....some people just won't want to deal with it.
  8. debatedude
    No Mood

    debatedude Mech Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    I generally buy my clothes that fit the job I am doing. I don't buy blind based on the recommendation of someone I have never met. In other words, you used a shit analogy. Here's a couple of better ones:

    1. When you learned to ride a bicycle, did you start of with a tricycle or something with training wheels? Or did you just get on a Diamondback mountain bike and go for it, not knowing what you are doing?

    2. Was your first motorcycle a Kawasaki Ninja or something a bit smaller and easier?
  9. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    And this is surely the point…There is still a good chance that if you spend 200-300 dollars on a set up, or 50 dollars, that you will go back to smoking. Alot of people want to try it because it looks like fun and just might get them off the smokes. They still need the right mind set to quit, same as if you want to quit cold turkey. No matter how much you spend…. if you are not ready in your own mind you will go straight back to analogues because it is how your mind and body are conditioned, by repetition for years, to get your nicotine and deal with stress.
  10. fruit-lover

    fruit-lover Thread Starter Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I see you point, Longtail, but your argument doesn't hold much weight when you look at your audience.

    Most vapers have been smoking all of their lives and have tried umsuccesfully to quit smoking, but havne't quite managed it.

    Now they are vaping.

    There is no mindset involved, or at least there wasn't for me and I was smoking for over 30 years. In fact, in was a smooth, seamless transition.

    Anyway. Different strokes for different folks.

    We are all vaping and that is the main thing.

    It's human nature to justify our actions and in this case, justify why we are using mech mods and why we are vaping different quality juices. I'm of the opinion that you/we/I will save a lot of money and undue stress if quality products are used instead of potentially dangerous and troublesome junk.
  11. Dieter.

    Dieter. Secret Member

    Nov 9, 2013
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    Sorry but i also think that as a beginners tool, when you don't know if vaping is for you, a Provari or the like might just be a bit over the edge. Cheaper mods will do fine. The MVP ver.2, a Vamo or something like that would do nicely. When i started on vaping i really had no problems with even a cheap VV mod, no my problem where the tanks, that got flooded and produced so little vapor, that i had to get some analogs in-between, just to stand it, and i also was close to give up. Thanks to first the Vivi Nova tank and other tanks like it i got enough vapor and got the thing under control with no flooding. And that made it possible to drop the analogs.

    And I guess it must be the same for a newbie in vaping today, that it is most important that a newbie has a good and reliable tank system at there disposal, so I would also recommend the Nautilus or Nautilus mini or another tank of the same quality and a decent electronic mod as a good beginners set. But it has not to be the Provari less can do the trick as well.
  12. cmbrstefan

    cmbrstefan Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Pattaya, Thailand
    I think the best and cheapest way is to have people around that are vaping also. Imagine u just bought this new mod and try to get off the analogs, but the whole table is making fun of you because it is not the original. After a wile you are a loner because everyone goes for a proper smoke and you just vape. Meaning its not just the kit not just your mind but also the surroundings.

    We are here for the same thing off analogs and vape heavenly juice.

    But now comes the question: why did we start smoking analogs in the beginning. I have 13-15 years behind me so I still remember it great, because my mates did that.

    So why.
  13. Longtail1

    Longtail1 Vaping Troll

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I think it holds a little bit more weight than where you buy your trousers mate. lol
  14. byoung

    byoung Upcountry Vaper

    Jun 30, 2014
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    As a recent convert I can say that a huge investment was absolutely not an option. I had zero success with all the other quit smoking options out there and wasn't about to spend a lot of money on something I was already skeptical of. A cheap Ego kit, or similar, is all one needs to test the waters. After that its a logical progression. Some do and some don't. The person that got me into vaping is still using an ego twist style battery with a cheap Kanger...and very happy. All he wants is the nic fix...nothing more. When you get into it, like so many do, it is an obsession...a hobby. But there are plenty out there that have no interest in making that leap. They just want off the cigs with minimum effort and they don't care about taste or vape clouds.

    The guy I got into vaping was, like me, only interested in getting off cigs. He got a basic kit and within days was vaping off one of the most complicated dual coil tanks money can but....and happy as hell. Everyone is different, but most, if not all, need to start small.

    I doubt that most who have started with something basic and spent a lot of money getting to where they are now have any regrets. It is the natural progression, and where that takes each individual is a little bit different. Each has to discover their own path to ultimate satisfaction. Unlike most here, I prefer silica and I love the itaste batteries. Everyone is different. Everyone needs to discover what works best for him or her.
  15. cmbrstefan

    cmbrstefan Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Pattaya, Thailand
    My brother likes his vamo because he likes the woltage low and does not mind if its a big vape or not, also the fuzz about ohms law he mentioned its a bit complicated. For me I love the mechanic because of the ohms law and what you can do with a build. So it depends on your self. With a good advise from a forum member I had a little shortcut that made me go the right way with the right choice. Because I was going to go the same as my brother but after wards I was amazed when I tried the mechs and got my self one.

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